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  • #272263

    Since I can’t get any support, please refund my money.

    I’m really disappointed, because support used to be so good. But this is ridiculous. It doesn’t seem like it should be that hard to fix the featured content size so it doesn’t crop my images stupidly. I’m really sick of my home page looking like crap unless I stick something old on it.


    And WHY are support comments being moderated? Is that a way of controlling complaints?


    @thetravelgal: Hello there,
    Sorry for the inconvenience. I have fixed the issue on your site by Regenerating the Thumbnail. I don’t think the issue will reappear.

    The comments are being moderated because a lot of spam comments are being posted.
    Let me know if the issue is resolved.
    Kind Regards,


    Thanks Skandaha!
    (You can keep my money:-)

    Is there something I need to be doing differently (aside from not using a full-size image)? This time I even made sure to load the image with the default setting at 200×200 – and it didn’t help.

    Sorry about the spam – I didn’t really occur to me that you’d have a lot of that on a support forum, but I suppose they’ll do that anywhere.


    @thetravelgal: Hello there,
    You can use the same image size that you have used til now. Did you try adding a new post in the Featured Content section and the issue reappear?

    Kind Regards,

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