Hi @captain eo,
Hover has that effect. You can remove that too by adding following code after the code provided previously:
a:focus img[class*="align"],
a:hover img[class*="align"],
a:active img[class*="align"],
a:focus img[class*="wp-image-"],
a:hover img[class*="wp-image-"],
a:active img[class*="wp-image-"],
#content .gallery .gallery-icon a:focus img,
#content .gallery .gallery-icon a:hover img,
#content .gallery .gallery-icon a:active img,
a:hover img.wp-post-image,
a:focus img.wp-post-image,
.gallery-thumb a:hover img.attachment-thumbnail,
.gallery-thumb a:focus img.attachment-thumbnail {
border: none;
Final note, it looks like you are using version 3.3 of catch-box. It is recommended to upgrade the theme to latest version. But please take a backup of your database and files before you upgrade though, as the version is a lot far back.