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  • #263660

    In this reply, @Skandha stated:

    To change the title you will need to create a child theme and a do a little bit of customization. Let me know if you are familiar with child theme customization.

    I am familiar with child theme customization. Can you provide instructions? Thank you.


    Hi @bachelorsanonymous,

    In you child theme, copy the index.php from main theme. Then in line 21, there is:
    $title = 'News';
    Change News to anything you want.

    This should work. Let me know if otherwise.


    Thank you for your reply. I couldn’t get the child theme to load both the parent’s and child’s style.css. If you have suggested enqueue language in the child’s functions.php, that would help. Also, according to this child themse tutorial, your CSS should contain this line:

    Template: twentyfifteen [template name]


    Hi @bachelorsanonymous,

    That is if your parent theme is twentyfifteen. Our parent theme will be My Music Band

    Please use our plugin

    You can easily create child theme selecting parent theme via this plugin.

    If you still have problems, please let me know.


    Sorry, I misread the tutorial. The line

    Template: [template name]

    is required for the child CSS file, not the parent.

    Your plugin is very useful in creating the child theme. Thank you for providing it.

    While my project has no need for your Pro features, we will purchase the Pro theme as soon as possible to support Catch Themes.


    Hi @bachelorsanonymous,

    Thank you for your kind feedback. Also, it would be great if you could leave a one line small review for our theme and support at

    This will help us in providing free support as well as free themes.

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