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  • #42303

    Hi there,
    I like the theme very much and the main reason to buy kathmandu pro was to have the opportunity to change colors easily. But I could not find options for the following. Maybe I am too stupid?? 🙂

    1.How do I change the background color (Hex #RRGGBB) of the Homepage Headline?
    2.How do I change the text color of the Homepage Head- and Subheadline?
    3.How do I change the color of the Homepage Button?
    4.How do I change the background color (Hex #RRGGBB) of the footer?

    Thanks for your answer


    @Wilfried: There is color picker at “Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options”

    1 & 2) Homepage Headline background color has a solid #21759b color. To change this, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options => Site Color Options”, change the color code in “Homepage Headline Background Color” to change the Background color and change the color code in “Homepage Headline Color” to change the text color. Then save changes.

    3. We will be adding this option in next version update. For now you can change the color code in the following css as per your need and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* Button Background, Border, Text Color */
    #homepage-message .right-section a {
        background-color: #9bc23c;
        border-color: #fff;
        color: #fff;
    /* Button Hover Background */
    #homepage-message .right-section a:hover {
        background-color: #87ae28;

    4. To change the footer background color, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options => Site Color Options”, change the color code in “Footer Background Color” and save changes.


    Hi Sakin,
    thanks for the swift response. Everything is fine now.


    Hello Sakin,

    I am using Catch Box.

    I would like to
    1. change the text color from light grey to be black.
    2. change the main and footer menu background to be black.


    3. also change the text to be black


    Could you help me? Thanks a lot.


    @eric: Just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    body, input, textarea {
        color: #000;
    #branding #access, 
    #colophon #access-footer {
        background: none #000;

    I am using catch box an I am unable to change any of my colors. I had been able to, but now it’s not working. Are there any known issues? I only installed 3 plugins – calendar, testimonials, and disable comments. I did use the custom css option to remove headlines also… I’m stumped. Can anyone help?


    @Kim: Can you post in your site URL and let me know what are you trying to do? Which color code are you trying to change to. Then I can look at your site and suggest you the solution.


    Thank you Sakin! the site I’m working on is http://www.mcshin.org/mcwb
    I am trying to change the color of the header right background.
    I changed it twice and now after working on other aspects of the design, I’ve decided to change the color of that header right background again and no longer can do so! The steps i am taking are: I go to appearance -> customize -> color options -> header right menu color options -> from there i click on the background, but there’s no real link. There is a small box that pops up at the top of the menu but it’s not right… Can I send you a screen shot?


    Thank you! Yesterday there was an update and the glitch was fixed!!


    @Kim: Thanks 🙂

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