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  • #114760
    Augustin Bratie

    Hello everyone i have a question i tested for a wile Rock Star Theme. And i decide to buy the pro version. But i have a problem if u can help me i noticed that any updates i make on the site the Home Page is not updating all the other pages are updating fine but the home page not can u please help me? and explain how to fix this. my webpage is augustinbratie(dot)(com)


    @supportaugustinbratie-com: Checked your site and getting 500 Internal Server Error on you site. Please check it first.


    Augustin Bratie

    I manage to fix my problems 🙂 it was not a problem from the theme by mistake a cache plugin created me an index.html file and the server was loading that file all the time. so i deleted the plugin and that file and everything is working perfect.

    But i have another request if u can please help and explain how could i add multiple sidebar on the website? like for example to put the META account on the left side of the page and archives etc to the right side of the page?

    Website is ( a u g u s t i n b r a t i e . c o m ) without spaces.


    @augustin-bratie: Sorry, this theme has only two column layout. For that, you’ll need to customize the theme further. I recommend you to hire a customizer.


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