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  • #160116
    Barry Cotton

    I want to make two color changes to the Helena Pro theme I am using.

    First: THE LOGO SLIDER- that shows a number of images of historical people. I want the background color to go from TAN to MAROON #600009

    SECOND: The MAIN ENTRY AREA (left of the sidebar) needs to go from TAN #e2d9c0 to the more yellow-beige color like the SIDEBAR #e2d9c0

    Previously, Skandha helped me with similar issues and I hope he is able to help me again.

    I have taken my site out of “Maintenance Mode” to enable Skandha to help me.

    The link is: https://cottonsbostons.blog/

    Thanks for your help in advance.


    @barrycotton: Glad I was able to help you out Barry. Let me know if you have anymore issues. Have a good day! 🙂

    Kind Regards,

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