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  • #225584
    Tracie Thibodeau

    I have uploaded the recommended image size for my Header image 1900 x 1080 but the image displayed is cut off on the top and the bottom.
    I have chosen NOT to add Media Text and Media Image or a Site Logo and this has narrowed the displayed image considerably.
    Is there a way to view the full image without adding the Media Text, Media Icon? Why does my image shrink?


    @nekkid: Hello there,
    Please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue.

    Kind Regards,

    Tracie Thibodeau

    Tracie Thibodeau

    I created child theme to try to adjust in css but can’t get it to show full header image. In the process i messed up the feature image sizes and thinkni messed up padding on feature image

    Tracie Thibodeau

    I have activated a child of your pro theme because I was messing around with the CSS but have made matters worse. The changes I made seemed to have affected the Feature image (size, padding, etc) and not the header image. Header image comes in at full size until I remove the text and icon for media and site logo (which I don’t want). There is some code that seems to shrink the header image if those values aren’t in place.
    Thank you for your help.



    @nekkid: Hello there,
    I checked your site and you seem to have upload a header image of dimension of 1536*646px. Can you try uploading an image of 1920*1080px.

    Kind Regards,

    Tracie Thibodeau

    Sigh. I have uploaded several images including the size you suggested. I have uploaded bigger and cropped to that recommended size and I have uploaded smaller…Nothing changes the fact that the image does not appear full size when I remove the media icon and text. I have spent two days exhausting all my options before posting here. I have tried uploading 1920px and cropping was not necessary. The reason i finally chose the image you are looking at is because of all of them, this image is the best of the worst of them when viewing from a tablet…all images on this theme view terribly from a mobile phone btw. I would be happy giving my login to see for yourself. If i kept the 1920 size image then the forehead and chin of the model in the picture would be cut off as well as half my logo that is embedded in the image. Please give me some credit and read what inwrote above. When I upload correct size, image gets cut off and please explain what, in your code is doing that.

    Is there a CSS code to be able to bypass the cropping of the header image or make it bigger? I really just want a large header image that appears almost full screen like the sample picture appears on the theme details…only I can’t seem to achieve this without including the “explore” button and having all sorts of text across it.
    I am tired of paying for a theme and getting no support. How do I get a refund? I had big hopes for this theme because it seemed to have a lot of options but I can’t get past the first page without a lot of headaches and wasted time.

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