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  • #47403

    Hi there,

    I have a really important question.
    I am using the Kathmandu theme, great design, awesome.
    I am now trying to streamline everything for SEO and realised
    that there are two H1 headings.

    Actually I would love to write the company name next to the logo, but deactivate the H1 heading for this, so that the H1 heading is only the headline under the main menu.

    Is there a way I can adjust these H1 H2 in the template manually?
    That would be of great help

    Thank you so much


    @Aleao: Don’t worry about this. Multiple H1 is allowed in HTML5 and we have carefully designed H1 tags with special attention on header tag and headings. You can also check this Video by Google software engineer Matt Cutts, who clearly states that you can use multiple H1 but don’t over do it. Also use h1 specific to heading and header tags.

    You can also check this article URL


    Hi guys, ok I trust you with that.
    I have another point to make.
    I use to check SEO,

    so when I type my domain:
    it gives me the hirachry of my headings:

    I see

    h1 – Tags (ok, you explained me now)
    Sprachen lernen
    Sprachen lernen? – Einfach sprechen!

    Fliessend sprechen – NLS Methode
    Primary Menu (!!! Where can I get this changed or taken out or adapt???)
    Sprachkurs für Anfänger – nur 8,99€.Â

    The primary menu under H2 is not really what i want there
    How can I get it solved?

    Thanks a lot


    @Aleao: That is just Assistive Text. You don’t need to worry about and if you really want to remove it then you need ti build child theme. For child theme, check out

    Then in your child theme functions.php just copy the fucntion catchkathmandu_primary_menu() from the Catch Kathmandu theme catchkathmandu-menus.php file and then remove the code
    <h2 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Primary Menu', 'catchkathmandu' ); ?></h2>

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