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  • #180837
    Filippo Zorzan

    Hi! I was wondering if it’s possible to add a CT Gallery on a specific page besides the Home/Frontpage as I’d like to create a Gallery page. In the Theme Customization options I can only chose to enable it for the entire website but I don’t want to show it in every page, just a specific one. Can you help?


    Filippo Zorzan

    This is the website I’m working on —-> http://www.odd-rey.com/

    Filippo Zorzan

    I might have the solution, just wanna be sure.

    “Only posts that belong to the categories selected here will be displayed on the front page”
    Does this mean that I just need to tag the Gallery post as a different category than the ones selected for the front page?
    Sorry for all the questions.

    BTW, I’m loving this theme! Keep it up with the good work guys!

    Filippo Zorzan

    OK no, this doesn’t work, especially ’cause in the Frontpage options I can’t select only one category but, instead, it keeps showing all of them.
    Plus I realized that doing as I just tried to do the gallery will really go on the entire site and I only need it in one specific page.


    @odd-rey: Hello there,
    Please enable the Gallery Section to entire site and let me know on which specific pages do you want to have it and I shall provide you the Additional CSS Code to do that.

    Kind Regards,

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