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  • #56004

    Hi, is it possible to adapt this theme to full width for start page and all posts and pages? I have seen your other themes, but this is the one which I prefer. Many thanks


    @cblossants: In Catch Responsive Free theme there is no option to set FULL Width, it’s only there in Pro version. In free version, you can select “No Sidebar (Content Width)” from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options => Default Layout” and then add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to change Content width to full width.
    .no-sidebar.content-width #main { width: 100%; }

    Note: You will have lot of additional featured in Catch Responsive Pro theme, for more details check out theme instructions page at


    Hi, that half sorted what I was looking for, also had to add “.no-sidebar.content-width #page { width: 100%; }” to get the other half!
    Many thanks for v. quick solution!

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