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  • #316491
    William Chase

    How can I make it so that the footer reveals on scroll?

    Like when I scroll down and then the footer reveals like a curtain has unveiled.

    William Chase

    it would be like the footer on this page


    Hi William,

    Sorry that required custom JS and measuring the height of the footer and then adding CSS accordingly. So, it requires custom work and you need to hire a customizer for this.

    For Example: If you are sure about the height of the footer then you can use the following CSS:

    /* For Sticky Footer */
    @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) { {
    		margin-bottom: 650px;
    	.site-footer {
    		display: block;
    		position: fixed;
    		bottom: 0px;
    		margin-bottom: 56px;
    		left: 0px;
    		width: 100%;
    		z-index: -1;


    William Chase

    Makes sense. I tried the CSS and it actually produced the desired effect but the links in the footer didn’t work and it was a bit off on the post pages. Is there CSS to make the links still function or have it work on blog pages?


    That was just an example of CSS, you need JS to change it. So, as mentioned earlier you need to hire a customizer for this.

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