Basically what I want is a blank page that covers the landing screen from top to bottom. If you look at my site, there is a full page background video that plays. The only elements I want over that page are the modern menu bar, and the footer. Right now, if I try to do that, the footer lands in the middle of the full screen video because that’s I guess where the homepage ends.
DOes that help? If you look at the cover images of the Athena background or Catch FullScreen, they are similar to the look i am going for but I basically want the background video that I’m using to be generated by the Youtube player I have loaded in my wordpress. SO really no content is needed from the theme at all on the home page except the menu bar and the footer, but I need those to fluidly be positioned at the top of the screen for the menu bar, and the bottom of the screen for the footer, and nothing else visible in between so the background video can shine through.