• This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Ann.
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    On my home page (in development IP address only) there are four widgets that are aligning with three on top flush right and one on the next row flush left in the top sidebar just below the featured image slider. I’ve tried adjusting in the overriding CSS editor but nothing works. Images are 340px x 211px.

    Also, the media in my media library are coming in with broken links when I upload. I have installed Media Library + recently.

    Can you help? I’m using Mustang Premium.


    Since you are in dev mode, can you post in the screenshot so that I can understand the problem?


    Thanks for your reply Pratik. Here is a link to the screenshot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3CHAM6mWoaXYnlGTFkteHBoY1U

    I’m thinking it has to do with the default placement of social icons, but I have them in the top right header area.

    Later…I figured it out. I had two sets of icons enabled. All is FIXED and I can continue.


    @anncalli: Can you also let me know which widget you have used?


    Hi Pratik,
    1. I fixed the alignment problem…there was a default area reserved for CT social icons on the top sidebar, and the invisible code was pushing the Featured Page widget images to the right.

    I had already used the Widget Social Media Icons (Jetpack) in the header right area. Should I use the CT social icons instead, for stability, or is the jetpack version ok?

    2. I do have another problem though. The thumbnail links on all new uploads to the Media Library are broken, so I can’t edit the images properly. I can only see the images I uploaded before upgrading to the new WP and new Mustang version.

    I talked with Bluehost last night and discovered that the “Catch-updater” was freezing my website, which had stopped working. I am trying to get it launched and it’s taking a long time to work through these bugs.

    Thanks for your help!



    For first issue, If JetPack social icons works, then there is no need to change it.

    For Second Issue:
    Catch Updater should not have created the problems as it loads only on themes update page. But, if the updater created the problem, then you can uninstall it and update the theme manually when updates arrive.


    One more thing…Do you know why the thumbnail links appear broken in my Media Library? Problem 2 above.

    Here is the link to the screenshot.

    Thank you.


    Can you try regenerating the thumbnails using this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/

    It should work, but I am not 100% sure.


    Thank you! I had tried that yesterday but it did not work. I deleted the plugin and reinstalled it, and it worked just now. It works on the list view anyway, but not on the image frame view. Once the images are all sized correctly I think it will be fine. Hours ahead.


    Hi Pratik,
    I hope I can ask you another question. I am trying to put some portfolio links in the home page right sidebar widget. They are not aligning. Here is the link for viewing (im still on the IP address). https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3CHAM6mWoaXOVBncUpyRy1vTUU

    Any ideas? Thanks for your help! –Ann

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