Running latest theme and WP on
i have now activated the “Featured Conetent” area with “featured pages” on my front page. It works – it’s awesome!
1) When I move my mouse over the featured images, it says “Permalink to:F…..” – how do I change/remove, and why is this happening?
2) During this awesome “Featured Conetent” I now see a vertical line, just beneath the four-featured-conetent’s. – how do I change/remove, and why is this happening?
3) The text in the “Featured Conetent” … Even I “justify” them via thier pages, they dont seem to get “justified” here. The same is, if i try to align text right/left/centered.
Thanks for all the great help! I am really thinking about purchasing help for another year 🙂 Finaly after hours of working (at least 200 hours) the site layout is like i want it.
Knud .-)