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  • #296296

    It appears that the only way to pull the excerpt text into the Services section is to ensure that the first few words of a page match with what is required. I have seen on some themes that there is an extra field/box in the admin of a page for the excerpt wording to be input separately. Is it possible to add this feature to Catch Fullscreen Pro please? Or is it there already and I have to do something to activate it?

    I am working on and this is where it would be handy to have that feature.

    Thanks, Chris


    @rodeboy: Hello Chris,

    Custom Excerpt option is available on Posts and Custom Post Type. You will need to edit a post or ect services and you will see an Excerpt option on the right hand sidebar in the Gutenberg Editor.

    Let me know if this helps you out!

    Kind Regards,


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