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  • #83231


    I use your them Catchbox pro for my new web site. ( in dev).

    I put on : Home page sidepage a widget to show one easyrotator ( plug in) to show some new product (photo).
    But i want that a cusromer if he go to a other section of my website,
    he can see a other easyrotator.
    At this time they see only one (the same).
    Can i modify this in the config , if yes where ?
    Do you have other idea ?

    Thank in advance for your help : )


    Hi @Olivier,

    Thank you for using Catch Box Pro.

    The theme as number of sidebars. Here is some a brief info on which page displays which sidebar.
    Homepage Sidebar( if active ) => Display in Homepage
    Archive Sidebar (if active ) => Display in Archive
    Page Sidebar (if active ) => Display in Page
    Post Sidebar (if active ) => Display in Post
    Main Sidebar => Displays by default.

    If no sidebar is assigned except main sidebar, all page will display main sidebar.

    Hope this helps you.



    Hi Mahesh,

    Thank for your answer but i don’t see were i can manage or assigned the sidebar …
    could you give me a exemple or
    in with menu can i find this tuning ?

    Thank in advance for you help : )

    sorry but i’m a beginner

    Best regards


    Hi @Olivier,

    Please follow along.
    Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Widgets” then, drag your EasyRotator widget into Main Sidebar and save it. It will show the easyrotator in sidebar in all pages (including homepage, post page, archives etc) only if other sidebars are all left empty. Or you need to add widgets to other sidebars(Homepage sidebar, Archive sidebar, Page sidebar, Post sidebar) as well.

    Hope this helps you. Let me know if any problem.



    Hi Mahesh,

    Thank for your feed back.
    I read your advice, check this: ( it’s my develop web site.
    I have a rotator on the main page (Home page), i show new product…
    Then i have some menu like “video projection” and i want to put a easy rotator per menu: ex: if you chose “video projection” then you have in your side bar ( left) a rotator how show you a product for this “category”, if you chose “video surveillance” you have a other rotator.
    Must i use external plug inn , like this ?
    Or do you have other idea ?
    Thank for your time : ))


    Hi @Olivier,

    For this you’ll need further customization in the plugin and is beyond theme support scope. I recommend you to contact the plugin support. I am afraid the above mentioned plugin will only lets you manage the plugin page wise as the feature provided by the theme itself.

    Let me know if I can help you further.


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