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  • #113332

    Site is not live yet, but the issue is when using the Easy Digital Downloads shortcode on a page to call in the products gallery, it works ok with Create except in the tablet and phone views when any text below the product images crowds over itself. The best responsive solution would be that these products stack one on top of the other as they do in many themes. Instead, they are staying side by side which is the problem. Image of phone view attached.Phone view shows non responsive gallery If you can’t see it there, then go to this page to see it:
    Image of Nonresponsive EDD gallery on phone using Create theme

    Thanks in advance for your help. Love the theme otherwise!


    @sydneyjb: This can be fixed with CSS. Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Additioanl CSS box and add the following CSS:

    @media screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 600px) {
        .edd_download_columns_0 .edd_download, .edd_download_columns_3 .edd_download 	{
            width: 50%;
    @media screen and (max-width: 599px) {
        .edd_download_columns_0 .edd_download, .edd_download_columns_3 .edd_download 	{
            width: 100%;



    Thanks, Mahesh. Did you mean to say “@” for CSS code?

    Anyway, I tried exactly what you gave me both in the additional CSS box and in the Child theme style sheet that I created but nothing happened. It looks exactly the same. The text below the product image, which is product purchase info that I don’t want anyway, still overlaps and crams together instead of the product downloads stacking on top of each other.

    Also, I would like to have only the product image show on the gallery until someone selects which photo they want to buy and then when they click that photo and go to the product page, then I want the purchase info to come up. I’ve only been able to do that using the EDD’s own Vendd theme. But that theme didn’t work for me as well as yours in many other ways.

    Can you help further?


    @sydneyjb: ‘@’ is for media queries. Please post in your site url.



    great code Mahesh

    thanks I used it to “download shorcode” to call my product on EDD shop page
    for two column shop i changed both “edd_download_columns_3” to “edd_download_columns_2”
    and it works for me


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