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  • #179685


    I have seen two previous other threads on here and added both of the code given, but it still isn’t getting rid of them. It is only coming up on the mobile version of the website and is splitting words in half, instead of just putting them on another line. Is there a way to solve this please?

    Or even just to autoscale the text size to fit the window? is the name of the site. Please excuse the fact I have sent another couple of these posts for different issues, I just saved them all up for the end.

    Thanks heaps



    @bradchanner: Hello Brad,
    I checked your site and I don’t see hyphens being used except for the text you seem to have hyphenated yourself. Can you let me know which texts are being hyphenated on mobile screens?

    Kind Regards,


    1st image – …..Conductor, Mu-sical Director…
    2nd image – …He has worked ex-tensively in London’s
    …orchestrated and con-ducted countless albums
    …conducting his own orchestral arrange-ments of that score
    3rd Image – …Mark has music-ally directed and
    …100 West End Mu-sicals, Stage, Film and Tele-vision productions
    4th image – …Children of Eden – Prince Ed-ward Theatre
    … Enter the Guardsman – Don-mar Warehouse
    …Drifting and Tilting – Bar-bican
    …Sinatra at the London Palla-dium
    …Ambrosia – Ald-wych
    6th image – …Musicals, in-vited Mark to be Musical Di-rector….
    …musically dir-ect a further
    7th image – Mark Warman has orches-trated…
    …Carl Davis/BBC – Document-ary
    …Carl Dav-is/BBC
    8th Image – …lyric, Ham-mersmith
    9th image – …Warman began work-ing
    …his musical direct-or,
    …2017 in-ternational Film Festival Rot-erdam with a live perform-ance of Waler’s score, per-formed by 75-piece or-cehstrra conducted by War-man.

    10th Image – …Soundtrack – Key-boards
    …Orchestrator, Con-ductor
    …Czech Na-tional
    …Concert Cast – Music Direct-or
    …Andreas – Con-ductor
    …London Cast – Vocal Ar-rangements, Music Super-visor
    …Original London Cast – Key-boards…
    …Original London Cast – Con-ductor
    …Original Sountrack – Or-chestrator
    …Original Sountrack – Key-boards
    …1993 Ori-ginal London Cast – Key-boards
    …Cast – Music Direct-or
    12th Image – …regular cpmcert ap-pearances…
    …Mary Poppins Returns – Dis-ney – 2018 Film, Rehearsal Pi-anist
    …Wainthropp Investig-ates…
    …In the Valley – Un-used score – 1996 Film, Pian-ist
    …Granada Televi-sion
    13th Image …year post-graduate…

    Contact Page – …for the Record-ing Studio

    I think that is all of them. So it not just happening on the main page/post on the main page, but also on a separate page (contact) as well.

    Thanks again for your help


    Thanks heaps


    @bradchanner: Hello Brad,
    Please replace this code that you are using

    #content article {
    hyphens: none;

    with the following

    * {
      -webkit-hyphens: none;
      -ms-hyphens: none;
      hyphens: none;

    Let me know if this does the trick!
    Kind Regards,

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