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  • #67351


    We are in the process of creating a landing page that leads to 3 other pages. We are having a bit of difficulty in editing the content that will display on the homepage. As you can see we have gotten almost everything to work properly in the link here. Our main issue is that we would like to add text to the left side content area at the bottom next to the sidebar. This is proving to be surprisingly difficult. It will only display the featured image of the homepage and will not display any of the text or code that we place in the content box. Does anyone have any advice as to how to insert text content?

    We would like to put each dealership name as an “h1,” then follow with their contact information and location.

    Thanks in advance!



    @chrisbravura: I see that you have following css in your Custom CSS box. So, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box and remove the following css:
    .entry-container {display:none}


    Thanks for the response Sakin! That did help with showing the content we added, however, we now have the box on top of the slides showing. Is there a way to hide that without losing the typed content below? To clarify a little, the blue box on top of the slide with the store names is what we need to get rid of.


    Well, I did some digging in the forums and pieced together some code. I got it taken care of. Thanks again for your help!


    @chrisbravura: Nice that you fixed your issue. Cheers 🙂

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