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  • #14789

    Hi, I purchased Catch Everest Pro and there are a few things I am having trouble customizing. I hope you can help.

    1. I have an Adobe Typekit account, and I want to use fonts from that. What selectors do I need to identify in CSS to make these fonts available?

    2. Is it possible to change the point size of the menu items, and also make them upper/lower case instead of all caps?

    3. Are there more formatting options for pages than are shown in CE Pro? For example, I would like to tighten the leading in the pages.

    4. Also in Pages, is it possible to not have the title of that page display at the top of it? Or, how do I change the formatting of it? It’s bigger than I want, and would again like to use a typekit font.

    5. Is it possible to use custom facebook and twitter icons? I made some custom ones in photoshop (that reflect the restaurant logo) but I can’t figure out how to place them.

    6. I have set up a mosaic photo gallery using jetpack, but is there a way to make the gallery wider? Right now, it sets up the images only two across, and I have to scroll down to see the rest.

    Thank you for your help.

    Link to the site:


    @brooklynfunbus: WoW this is really long set of questions.

    1. I have an Adobe Typekit account, and I want to use fonts from that. What selectors do I need to identify in CSS to make these fonts available?
    — For typekit, you need to add your site name in your typekit account. See this
    At the end the script that you need to add in header. You can add that script in “Appearance => Theme Options => Webmaster Tools => Header and Footer Code”. Then add that script in “Code to display on Header” box.

    2. Is it possible to change the point size of the menu items, and also make them upper/lower case instead of all caps?
    — It is not recommended to change the point size of the menu items. As when you change that you need to configure it for responsive devices as well. So, only in special case you can add the font size only for large screens.
    — To make the menu to normal as per your title. You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #header-menu a { text-transform: none; }

    3. Are there more formatting options for pages than are shown in CE Pro? For example, I would like to tighten the leading in the pages.
    — Sorry I don’t get this. For changing the design part you can do that from your Custom CSS box in theme options panel.

    4. Also in Pages, is it possible to not have the title of that page display at the top of it? Or, how do I change the formatting of it? It’s bigger than I want, and would again like to use a typekit font.
    — I have already mention about typekit font in your question 1. About hiding the page title, you can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .page .entry-header { display: none; }

    5. Is it possible to use custom facebook and twitter icons? I made some custom ones in photoshop (that reflect the restaurant logo) but I can’t figure out how to place them.
    — You can do that from “Appearance => Theme Options => Social Links => Custom Social Icons”.

    6. I have set up a mosaic photo gallery using jetpack, but is there a way to make the gallery wider? Right now, it sets up the images only two across, and I have to scroll down to see the rest.
    — Sorry we don’t have option for this at this stage. We need to look at Jetpack plugin compatible with our theme. Currently it works best with “Right Sidebar”, “Left Sidebar” and “No Sidebar” layout.


    Hi there, I have a quick question and forgive me as I am not a developer. I have catch-everest pro and I saw that there is a new update. Will I lose all my current settings if I update with the new version? If so, do I need to create a child theme and how do I do that? Thanks for your help!


    Hi Sakin, and thanks for your quick reply. I was able to solve most of the issues, but I am still having trouble with the following:

    1. Custom Social icons: I am able to get the custom twitter and facebook icons to load, and the links work fine, but they only appear if I also have the predefined FB and twitter icons also loaded, which results in two of each appearing on the site.

    2. Is it possible to have a line of copy above the menu items, but below the header image? This is for a restaurant, and I would like to have the address, phone number, and hours of operation listed there. I have the hours as a homepage sub-head, but they appear underneath the featured image, and I would like them above. Right now, I have the restaurant description as part of the logo in the photoshop file, but that is not optimal.

    3. When the browser window is shrunk, or it is viewed on a smartphone, the menu titles turn to white during the responsive design, and they can’t be read on the ivory background. I did not see any settings to change this.

    4. There is a white bar below the featured image that I can’t seem to get rid of. How can I do that?

    Here is the site:

    Thank you again for your help!


    @brooklynfunbus: Ok let me take a look at your site and let you know.

    1. Custom Social icons: I am able to get the custom twitter and facebook icons to load, and the links work fine, but they only appear if I also have the predefined FB and twitter icons also loaded, which results in two of each appearing on the site.
    — This is because you have link both in custom social icons as well as Predefined social icons. So, just remove the facebook and twitter link in your Predefined Social Icons.

    2. Is it possible to have a line of copy above the menu items, but below the header image? This is for a restaurant, and I would like to have the address, phone number, and hours of operation listed there. I have the hours as a homepage sub-head, but they appear underneath the featured image, and I would like them above. Right now, I have the restaurant description as part of the logo in the photoshop file, but that is not optimal.
    — You can add Text Widget in Header Right Sidebar and then add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #header-right {
        clear: both;
        float: none;
        max-width: 100%;
        text-align: center;
        width: 100%;
    .header-sidebar .menu, .header-sidebar .widget_text {
        clear: both;
        float: none;

    3. When the browser window is shrunk, or it is viewed on a smartphone, the menu titles turn to white during the responsive design, and they can’t be read on the ivory background. I did not see any settings to change this.
    — Just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    .sb-selector:link, .sb-selector:visited, .sb-selector:hover {
        color: #0A4C62;
    .sb-options a:link, .sb-options a:visited {
        color: #0A4C62;

    4. There is a white bar below the featured image that I can’t seem to get rid of. How can I do that?
    — Just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #homepage-message {
        margin-top: 0;

    Thanks for all your help Sakin. I am almost there with it. I think I was not clear before about what’s happening with the custom social icons. When I fill out the fields for the custom icons and leave the predefined ones blank, nothing shows up on the site. When I fill out the predefined AND custom, I get both (two facebook, two twitter), so the only way I can get the custom ones to show up is to also have the predefined ones.

    Thanks again,


    @brooklynfunbus: oh sorry yes it was added for additional icons. That is why it is not showing. We will fix that in new version. But for now you can disable your default facebook and twitter icon by adding in the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box. li.facebook, li.twitter { display: none; }


    Hi Sakin: I am done designing the site, but when I contacted my web hosting service (Bluehost), they were unable to get the new site to load properly. The menu bar was there, the links worked, and the widgets were in place, but the header logo and the featured image did not appear. The tech support at bluehost couldn’t figure out the problem and suggested that I contact you about to see if you knew what the issue is.

    Also, when they transferred the files back to my development folder, now the page links don’t work.

    Sorry to keep coming back to you with this…
    Thanks again,


    Sorry, never mind that last part about the page links. The site just needed to refresh.


    @brooklynfunbus: Your site is working fine for me. About the custom social icons. Just add it and send me the details of your site. I will contact you in email.

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