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  • #64399


    I’m using Cath Kathmandu Pro, and I would like to customize our “category archive : news” page. This page shows our posts, we use it as a “news” page.
    Here are my problems in details :
    1/ I can’t customize the title of this page, and make the border disappear.
    2/ I would like to change the widgets of the sidebar (now : archives and “search”), but I don’t find where…
    3/ How can I show the title of the post above the text
    4/ How can I desable the phrases ” Posted on XXX by XXX” and “Posted in (category)”

    Many thanks !


    @Florence: For detail customization like this, you need to post in your site URL so that I can check in and suggest you css.

    1. That page take the category title followed by Category Archives: . So, if you want to edit the title then edit the category name. But if you want to edit “Category Archives:” then you need to build child theme. For child theme, refer to and then copy archive.php file to your child theme and edit that.

    To remove the border in that title, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    .page-header { border: none; }

    2. Archive and search are the default widget if there is no widget in the sidebar. So, go to “Appearance => Widgets” and drag and drop widgets as per your need in your sidebar which will replace the default widgets.

    3. Sorry I don’t get it what you mean. Title of the post is always above the content of the post.

    4. To hide entry meta, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    .entry-meta { display: none; }

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