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  • #259269

    I have been working on a new site for a couple of days. Suddenly it is not possible to customize the the theme anymore. I get an critical error and an mail sent to me. Se content below. Some few words in swedish but I think it is possible to read anyway.

    Ett fel av typen E_ERROR uppstod på rad 120 i följande fil: /customers/3/d/c/ Felorsak: Uncaught Error: Unsupported operand types in /customers/3/d/c/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /customers/3/d/c/ catch_mag_two_column_options(Object(WP_Customize_Manager))
    #1 /customers/3/d/c/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
    #2 /customers/3/d/c/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #3 /customers/3/d/c/ do_action(‘customize_regis…’, Object(WP_Customize_Manager))
    #4 /customers/3/d/c/ WP_Customize_Manager->wp_loaded(”)
    #5 /customers/3/d/c/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL,


    Hi @Martin,

    Can you check the php version in the server? I have fixed the issue and pushed the update. Please update the theme to latest version(1.4.5 or later).

    It should fix your issue.


    It now works again after your update. Thanks! PHP version on server is 7.4

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