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  • #83414


    I use this free version of your lovely theme. But I have one, very strange problem.

    When I read a single article, the comment area is “close”, and so is the Submit-button, and links in the page.

    Also when I tried to password protect a page with WP:s standard options, the Submit-button is not working.

    Can you help me with this? I have unactivated all of my other plugins and tested, nothing helps.

    This is important, because I need this fixed before I publish my site. Thanks in advance :).


    Yep, I tested with changing the theme.

    It is your theme. What to do?


    Hi @katta,

    In single article, by the comment area is “close” do you mean the comment area doesn’t show up or you cannot just submit the comment?
    If comment area is not displayed, please go to Edit post page and there is a Screen button on the top right below the profile link. Click and check the discussion checkbox ( if it is unchecked ). Then scroll down to Discussion tab and make sure that allow comment checkbox is checked.

    And the other one about the WordPress’s password protection, it is working fine. Do you get any specific error?

    Let me know further.




    I noticed now, that when I am logged in as an admin, the comment area (and the link to next and previous) btw are not working. I mean that they are there (comments are open in settings), but the entire user interface is “paralized” ie. like an image. Nothing just happens, it does not take commands. When I am not loggen in, it works. Same with the password – it does not take commands, does not react in any ways.

    Very strange indeed.


    Hi @katta,

    Sakin will help you further with your issue.



    @katta: Can you post in your site URL and screenshot of your issue. It’s strange as it’s working when you are logged out and not working when you are logged in.

    Comment should work in both logged in and logged out. When you are logged in you will just see the comment box and you don’t have to enter name and email fields as it will take from your profile. But when you are logged out, you will see full comment form.

    Looks like there some be some issue in your admin panel for that I need to check in your server. So, I will send you email for this.

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