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  • #3495

    I am kind of a newbie to WP and have the most basic knowledge of html/css, just enough to get me by. I have a few questions on how to further customize my site.

    First, I would like to know how I can change the background color behind the blog posts, not the main background. Also, is it possible to change the white header background color as well? Or maybe even fill it up completely with an image so that there is no border?

    My other question was about the social media buttons. Is there a way to change their location to either one of my side menus or even on the top right side of the main header where the search bar option is?


    Thanks for your help! And if it makes a difference, the site is 🙂


    @PMSkita: Your site is not opening. It’s shows “Error establishing a database connection”. Let me know once your site is opening and then I will show you.


    @PMSkita: To increase the header image then you need to upload the larger header image. For customization need to add the following CSS in “Custom CSS” box in your Theme Options panel.

    /* To change main background color */
    #main {
    background-color: ##ffffff;
    /* To change the background color of post wrapper */
    .hentry, .no-results, #author-info, #disqus_thread, #content .error404 {
    background-color: #ffffff;
    /* To change header background color */
    #branding {
    background-color: #ffffff;


    Thats weird that you got the error page?? I’ll have to look into that, the website seems to show up fine for me and a few people I had check.


    Thanks for the CSS for the colors though. Is there any way to change the location of the social media buttons?


    @PMSkita: option to change the location of the social media is available only on Catch Box Pro version. As in pro version there is Social Widget and you can add it in any widget area like header right sidebar, main sidebar, footer sidebar and so on.


    Ahhh ok thanks a lot for your help!

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