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  • #83576

    Hi, guys!

    It’s me again. I’m wondering how I might change the colour of the links found only in the footer area and the colour when you hover over the links in that area? It’s currently blue 🙁

    Thanks again for your support!


    hi @andrew90,

    I tried looking at your site but it shows coming soon message.

    You can add following CSS code in Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options => Custom CSS box which might work, if not please post in the site url properly.

    footer#colophon a,
    #supplementary .widget a {
       color: #A55858;
    /* For hover color */
    footer#colophon a:hover {
       color: #663366;

    Change the values of hex colors as you desire.



    That worked! Thanks as always for your awesome help. Sorry I forgot to take off the maintenance mode 🙁

    Is it possible to edit out my domain name only because this site does get indexed very well in search engines? Sorry for the trouble

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