Hi @[email protected],
For changing footer text color, add the following CSS in “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box.
#site-generator {
color: #6b3089;
For logo in the footer, you have to create a child theme, you can find detail about creating a child theme HERE. Then in child theme’s function.php, add the following codes.
function catchresponsive_child_footer_content() {
if ( ( !$catchresponsive_footer_content = get_transient( 'catchresponsive_footer_content' ) ) ) {
echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->';
// get the data value from theme options
$options = catchresponsive_get_theme_options();
$defaults = catchresponsive_get_default_theme_options();
$search = array( '[the-year]', '[site-link]' );
$replace = array( date( 'Y' ), '<a href="'. esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) .'">'. esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) . '</a>' );
$options['footer_content'] = str_replace( $search, $replace, $options['footer_content'] );
$footer_content = $options['footer_content'];
if ( '' != $footer_content ) {
$catchresponsive_footer_content .= '
<div id="site-generator">
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="footer-content" class="copyright">' . $footer_content . '
<img class="float-right" src="' . esc_url( 'http://placehold.it/20x20' ) . '" />
</div><!-- .wrapper -->
</div><!-- #site-generator -->';
set_transient( 'catchresponsive_footer_content', $catchresponsive_footer_content, 86940 );
echo $catchresponsive_footer_content;
add_action( 'init' , 'catchresponsive_child_modify_footer' , 15 );
function catchresponsive_child_modify_footer() {
remove_action( 'catchresponsive_footer', 'catchresponsive_footer_content', 100 );
add_action( 'catchresponsive_footer', 'catchresponsive_child_footer_content', 100);
Note: Please replace “http://placehold.it/20×20” in img src in the above code with your desired logo url.
Then add the following CSS in “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box.
.float-right {
float: right;