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  • #14755

    I downloaded the Cath Everest update. I don’t really know how to update it in wordpress.
    I use File Zilla to upload the themes, so should I delet the one that is in wordpres and upload the new one?
    Will that mess up the website?

    If I need to do a website back up, can I do it with File Zilla how?

    I’m still trying to make our website work and I just don’t want to have a problem (I have enough to think about now including how to fix the footer!!).

    Thank you for ALL your help!



    @Lorena Poling: It’s clearly mention in Theme Instruction page at http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-everest-pro/. If you are using FTP then yes you need to remove the whole folder.

    You don’t need to backup anything, if you haven’t edit any core theme files. All your settings and configuration through Theme Options will be there.

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