Hi @noote,
Catch Responsive free theme has to slider options.
1. Demo Slider (Content cannot be changed)
2. Page Slider (Use featured image as slider image, Page title as Slider title and Page content as Slider content, links to related page).
To use page slider, go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider” and select Page slider in Select Slider Type then select number of slides you want to use (need refresh). Then in select the page you want to use as slider form Featured Page # drop down.
If you want to have other options in slider, I recommend you to upgrade to pro.
1. Features from Catch Responsive free (Demo Slider and Page Slider)
2. Post Slider (Use featured image as slider image, Post title as Slider title and Post content as Slider content, links to related Post).
3. Image Slider (custom image, custom title, custom content and custom link).
4. Category Slider