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  • #111125

    I am creating a site for a client and at the moment it is in a subdomain at On the PC WP site I hover over a menu item, Properties, and a menu drops down… that’s all fine and good. On the mobile end, I need to make it so if a visitor uses his cellphone to view the site and clicks on “Properties” he is not taken to a “404 page not there error message”… which is what happens right now. How and where do I make it so “Properties” is not clickable when a visitor is on the responsive cell site. I have seen on other sites where the parent word is there and the dopdown menu is right beneath but in a different color so as to suggest it is the dropdown. I have a few parent menu items to fix so any suggestions would help. Thanks – Jeff


    @jscott321: The mobile menu uses tinynav javascript which handles the how mobile menu works. So its not possible to change it through CSS or php coding. You’ll need to do it through javascript. I recommend you to hire a customizer.


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