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  • #118639

    My website thechurning.net has suddenly stopped scrolling in Safari. It still works fine in Chrome.
    I have reverted a new plugin and reverse a change I made to a text widget but that has not fixed the issue.
    I then googled for 2 hours and looked in your support archive but cannot find a solution.

    Can you please see & tell me why thechurning.net is not scrolling in Safari and tell me what I can to fix it?



    Supplementary information:

    The only thing I can think of that might have caused the issue is that I edited a TEXT WIDGET.

    From the Dashboard / Appearance / Widgets it is essential to Enable Accessibility Mode.

    Then if I click on one of the TEXT Widgets I find that am unable to Edit the text. All I can do is change the position or delete.

    So, instead I clicked on “Manage With Live Preview”.
    When I did this the live preview screen did not scroll.
    I assume this could be the source of the issue.

    1) Could this be the source of the issue?
    2) Is this functionality part of the Catch Evolution Theme?
    3) How do I get it back to how it was before?
    4) How do I edit Text Widgets in future?

    Many thanks again,
    Finn Jackson


    @finnjackson: The site is scrolling in safari when i checked from my end. If you are having problem with your WordPress admin section Please let me know .

    Its difficult to edit widgets when accessibility mode is enabled. To disable accessibility mode.
    Go to Appearance => Widgets
    Click on screen options and click Disable accessibility mode
    Hope this solves your issue.



    Hello Tikaram,

    Many thanks for your reply.

    I am glad the site is scrolling in Safari from your end. There must be an issue with my browser. (I have cleared the cache and cookies but the issue persists. If you have suggestions as to what else I could do I would be grateful.)

    I have disabled accessibility mode. It now works. Previously there was a message saying that I must enable accessibility mode. That has now gone so all seems fine.

    If you have suggestions as to how I might fix the issue in my browser that is preventing scrolling I would appreciate it.

    Many thanks again,


    When I go to Appearance / Widgets and then click “Manage with Live Preview” the live frame of the website does not scroll.

    Is this normal? Could this be the source of the problem?

    Thank you again.


    OK, Tikaram, this is the problem I now have:

    When I go to Appearance / Widgets and select one of my Text widgets:

    1) If I edit with Accessibility Mode turned off then I can edit but I cannot save my changes

    2) If I edit with Accessibility Mode turned on then I can save changes but I cannot edit

    Is this an issue with the Theme or wordpress?



    @finnjackson: we will contact you shortly through email.


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