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  • #117697

    I’ve had an issue with one of my sites whereby the update for Catch Box v4.6.2 to v4.7 causes only the website banner and background images to display. Had to restore back to 4.6.2 Am using a child theme so there should not be this issue.


    Hi @richweb,

    There might be some issue with child theme too. First, check if the issue exists when parent theme exists, if not then there is something wrong with child theme customization.

    Let me know how activating updated parent theme goes, then I will help you further with child theme modifications.



    Thanks Pratik, I will take a look. I use Catch Box on another site and don’t have this problem with the upgrade. Only other thought was whether it’s become incompatible with a plugin.


    Hi @richweb,

    Any updates on the issue?


    Hi Pratik, I started to experiment, but I can’t be without the site this week, as there is an event that demands it does not go off line. I will have to take another look in about a week and then let you know. All I can add at this stage, is that I have previously updated the theme with this site and everything worked. It is only the new version that seems to be in conflict with something. I have updated some of my other sites with the new theme version and they work normally. Thanks for keeping in touch.


    Hi Pratik, I have now updated the parent theme and made a new child theme from it. This now seems to work okay with the existing plugins. So it would appear that there was a glitch in the original child theme, as you suggested, although I am not sure what it was. Thanks for your assistance. 🙂


    Hi @richweb,

    I am glad it worked out. Sometimes, child theme modifications can be affected when updating if they are not properly done.

    If you liked out theme and my support, it would be great if you could leave us a review at https://wordpress.org/support/theme/catch-box/reviews/#new-post.



    I used a proper child theme plugin, which I have used several times before, but obviously, on this occasion, something glitched. I have left a review for you: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/great-theme-and-suppot/


    Hi @richweb,

    Thank you for your wonderful review. Maybe while creation, some glitch occurred. Let me know if you have further issues.



    Hey got the same issue while updating from 4.6.2 to 4.7.1

    Pretty sure it’s my child theme that I mainly use for CSS and other details.
    I’m going to investigate now.

    My website is here : https://goo.gl/SP8mJm


    Ok so for my side the issue was file content.php in my child theme. I removed it and it worked.
    Then I just cleaned all my files from child theme directory and just put style.css and everything is fine.

    Hope this could help.


    Thanks, Sihedow. Useful information I may try if the problem happens in the future.


    Hi Pratik, I am still experiencing some issues with Catch Box. The problems are not isolated to one particular WP site and I think something in the updates is conflicting with existing set-ups of WP which I would like you to have a look at. Currently, I have a site which will no longer show blog posts, except for the title of the most recent, on the allocated blog page. If I go from my child theme, back to the main theme, everything is okay. However, I have made my child themes using ‘child theme configurator’ and until the last 2 or 3 updates of Child Box, no issues were showing. I can’t keep returning to make a new child, every time an update changes something.


    Hi @richweb,

    Catch box is active in 20,000+ sites. Before updating you need to check the changelog and see if your custom codes are conflicting with the codes from changelog. In this case, you need to make changes in your code in child theme too.

    When I check the changelog of previous versions of theme, I see no issue as to why child theme should not be working.

    Some changes need to be made to update the code and keep the theme up to date. Sometimes, it may conflict the child theme. We apologize for the inconveniences caused and we do try to make the update seamless but sometimes some child themes may get issues. This is unavoidable. I hope you understand.



    Thanks Pratik. I suppose I was under the false impression that making a child theme safe-guarded against losing changes when the parent theme was updated. I don’t think I have the technical knowledge to examine the changelog and then change code somewhere else in my WP. I will continue to do what I have been doing – copying the widget info, additional CSS info from my original child theme and replacing that and the header and background images in a new child theme copy, made from the newly updated parent theme.


    Hi @richweb,

    You are correct. The way you have cone things is correct. But just sometimes, when we update the code, there arise some compatibility issue, because we do not know which modifications are made by user. And each user has different change so it is not possible.

    Most of the time it will not break the child theme. In some rare cases(which happened you twice unfortunately). Somethimes, it happens but most of the times it wont.



    Thanks for the information Pratik.

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