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  • #32554


    I need help with 2 of my websites Navigation looking messy and the submenus not redirecting properly on Androids not showing heather on Android or Apple mobiles


    @luismarioochoa: In this site , you have disable Responsive design to the menu will look small in mobile devices. For sub-menu you can try adding in aria-haspopup script in “Code to display on Footer” at “Appearance => Theme Options => Webmaster Tools => Header and Footer Code”

    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    	jQuery(".page_item").has("ul").children("a").attr("aria-haspopup", "true");

    In this site , you don’t have header in Desktop version so how you will have it in mobile version.


    Thank you Sakin,

    Regarding the site, you are correct, my apologies.

    Regarding the your solution did not correct the issue with submenus (they still don’t show up, or redirect and if they show the close and resent to homepage) Also, client does not want Responsiveness for this site, but needs the navigation menu to display correctly on Android as it does on iPhone. Anywhere where two words appear on the Menu (About Us, Music Reservations, Gift Certificate) the first word shows up above the second instead of beside. Can you please help me correct this issue?


    @luismarioochoa: If you don’t need responsive then you can disable it from “Appearance => Theme Options => Responsive Design”


    Dear Sakin,

    I know where to go to make it Responsive or not Responsive. My issue is with the way it is displaying in Android (iPhone displays correctly) when it is not Responsive. The client does not want it Responsive. The Navigation Menu, when there is more than a word on a particular tab, such as: About Us – Music Reservations – Gift Certificate, instead of displaying a word beside the other they display a word above the other:

    About Music Gift
    Us Reservations Certificates

    Also, again on Android, when I go to a menu with sub-menus, it does not allow to click on the sub-menus, returning always to the home page.

    Please I need help on this, please

    Thank you so much in advance.


    @luismarioochoa: I check in your site with my Android devices and you menu looks so small as you have disable responsive design. That is why you are having trouble going to sub-menus. When I zoom in and click on About US, I am able to select “Our Cuisine”. So, it bit complex without responsive design.

    Second I don’t understand your request. Like when I click on About us it show me “Our Cuisine, Our team and Chef’s Tips. There is no problem.


    Hi Saskin,

    I know they do look small, but as I have already said a few times now, that’s the way the client wants it, people can always enlarge the screen on their mobiles. My issue is that the Navigation Menu it is not displaying in Androids as correctly as it does on iPhones. You are not giving me a reason or a solution, so should I assume that there is no solution to why words in Android appear one on top of the other on the navigation when there are two words such as Gift Certificate and they do display correctly on iPhones. There is a discrepancy on the display. Thank you


    @luismarioochoa: Sorry I am not being able to find the problem and solution. I check in your site from my Android Phone and it is displaying properly. I can zoom in and then select menu items.


    Oh well, is there a way to give visitors the click option to switch from Full Site to Responsive?


    @luismarioochoa: So there in now option to do that. As this is not another mobile theme. If you want to add separate mobile theme then you can use Jetpack Plugin and active mobile module or WPtouch Mobile Plugin

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