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    How does this Widget work? I am looking to incorporate Google Adsense into my website but have a few questions first. I know that some sizes of ads have completely different sizes than others. How will the widget format sizes of ads if I put that Widget into different places on my site? Any help on this would me much appreciated.


    Not the voice of authority but go to Google AdSense, jump through the hoops, and open your account.  Then go to My ads.  You’ll see where you set ad size and format.   (Google has lots of  useful info about optimal ad sizes and specifications.)  After you “design” your ad on Goggle you take the code provided and go to your Web site.  Place the widget where you want it and paste the code into the widget. The widget is the container the code shapes it.


    @arichardc: Thanks for your instruction.

    : Yes, get the ads code from The best sizes for ads in Catch Box will be of width 300px. Just get the code from the google and place it in Catch Box Adspace Widget.

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