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  • #56244

    Hi, I’ve got 4 sliders. I’m trying to format the text for the sliders like the demo theme. I’ve got an entry-title, and then below that the entry-content but everything is displayed in the same row, with the same font-size.
    I’ve tried to copy the code showed in the demo theme, but nothing. I suppose it should be something like:
    <h1 class=”entry-title”><p>Slider 1 title in bold, bigger font</p></h1>
    <div class=”entry-content”><p>Slider 1 content, no bold, smaller font</p></div>

    but it doesn’t work. What do I need to do?



    @innova: In Catch Kathmandu Pro theme there are 4 different slider type, that is Page Slider, Post Slider, Category Slider and Image Slider. So, which slider you are working on. If you use post slider then it will take the featured image, title and excerpt content of that post. See this http://catchthemes.com/blog/videos-blog/video-series-adding-featured-post-slider/. If you use the image slider, then you can add in image, title and content as per your need. See this http://catchthemes.com/blog/videos-blog/video-series-adding-featured-image-slider/. So, which ever you choose, it will be like demo slider.

    For more check out theme instructions page at http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-kathmandu-pro/


    Hello, I’m using ‘Post Slider’ option. The homepage shows the sliders (from the featured image) and the excerpt content but not the title (the name of the post I suppose).
    I don’t know if its important or not but just in case… the website is translated to two languages, I’m using mqTranslate plugin.



    @innova: Please post in your site URL so that I can check in.


    Hi, sorry, it was my fault.

    I checked the custom css and I had code there to not display the entry-title. It was supposed to affect only to the pages but no. I’ve changed it to
    .type-page .entry-title {display: none;}
    and now the sliders are showing their titles.

    Thanks for replying and sorry again.


    please help

    where does the featured page image slider get its excerpt content???


    Hi, in my case I selected the next options:
    Appearence > Theme Options > Featured Slider >
    Inside ‘Slider Options’, I selected ‘Image Slider’ Option.
    And below this, inside ‘Featured Image Slider” you have to upload/select the slider images you want to display in your homepage. Along with every image you have to input the ‘Title’ and the ‘Content’ for each slider.

    Is this the ‘Content’ you are asking about?


    @Chris.J.Hoffman: Featured Page slider takes excerpt automatically from your selected page. But if you want to adjust it then you can split the content using more tag <!--more-->

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