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  • #116461

    I’ve set up a new home-page (

    My visitors now reported, that they stumbled with the navigation, when the clicked on the little navigation thumbnails beneath the Slider.

    Indeed I think they should immediatelly open the particular subpage, but on my site, clicking on them just makes the slider stop and one has to click on the button “read more” to really open the particular subpage.

    Any chance to link those thumbnails directly to their page?

    Thanks a lot for your help.



    @rhintl: Well, clicking on the small thumbnails below (the navigation) will navigate to the very slider image. Isn’t that what navigation is for? And if you keep the pointer above the slider image, it will pause the slider. And clicking anywhere on the slider image will take you to the very page.
    If you want to put link on the thumbnails, you’ll need to customize further.



    Thanks Mahesh for your quick response.

    Indeed, I like to put a direkt link on the thumbnails (and maybe the big slider image itself too).
    So I could ease the page navigation by one click in depth.
    The current stop-behaviour could be set on hovering the mouse over a thumbnail, but I like to happen more than now when clicking 🙂

    Honestly, I have no idea how to customize it.
    Would be very to buy a pro version, if you offer to implement this feature in the pro-version?
    Happy to read from you again.



    Update: After trying a around, I like to inform you, that I found a solution that fulfills my special wishes with less customization and less efforts. Sorry for any inconvenience that I might have caused and thanks for your support. Please close this topic.


    @rhintl: Glad to know that you’ve found a solution. Have a nice day!


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