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  • #56712

    I can set the background for the site – on which the pages float etc BUT I’d like to have the actual text pages a certain image as opposed to just a plain colour. In this case I have a file which looks like a weathered piece of paper…… and I think it would look good for my historical site.

    Is there a way I can achieve this please?

    ( )

    Thank You


    @Michael: I just check in your site and see that you have already added background image to your site. So, is this issue solved? If not then can you explain more what you want to do it. Maybe, you can share screenshot.

    Note: Sorry for the late reply as we are still in state of emergency due to massive earthquake in Nepal. Internet, electricity, water and sanitization are huge problem here. We are also helping others in the community so we are slowing getting back online.


    Mate there’s no great hurry I understand and completely sympathise with the troubles you are having and how there are more important things in life than the internet….

    What I actually mean is… on the site the text field (for want of a better word) which is currently now white… I’d like this to be able to be an image (I’d like to give it the look of aged paper, for which I have a suitable image) so it looks like the text is on the paper.

    How would I go about doing this please?


    @Michael: You can add your image url in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #content article {
        background-image: url("your-image-url");

    Great I’ll try that thank you. It would be really handy if that could be done via the theme customiser, as easily as the main background image.

    Also, is there a way of having a specific background just for block quotes ?

    Cheers and thanks.


    @Michael: Yes, you can change the background image just for block quotes using the following css:

    #content blockquote {
        background-image: url("your-image-url");

    Champion – thanks so much !

    I love your work.


    @Michael: Thanks for your appreciation 🙂

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