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  • #275408

    I’ve just purchased Alchemist Pro (AP) after extensive consideration between this and Clean Enterprise Pro (CEP)- as the best for me all things considered.

    There are a couple of features in the CEP theme that are lacking in AP. I was wondering whether it is possible to get code to include those? (if it matters, I’ve created a child theme to make all adjustments in).

    Menu appearance

    In the Clean Enterprise Pro theme when a drop down menu is selected the head item (in the menu bar) changes colour and there is a line above the sub-menu options to delineate it from the top menu.options drop downs. This I imagine is achieved through CSS – are you able to provide the relevant code for me please?

    In the Adventurous Pro theme (the one I used on this site prior to moving to Alchemist Pro) the menu bar is a solid colour (black) with white text. This would similarly be CSS – are you able to provide the relevant code for me please?

    Your assistance is greatly appreciated

    I know this one may be more difficult to achieve, but is it POSSIBLE to add the Featured Slider:Image Overlay and Featured Slider: Content Alignment features added to the AP theme somehow?



    Hi Michael,

    1. For menu changes please add the following CSS on the “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS” box:

    /* Menu item Hover & Active Text Color */
    .site-navigation li a:hover,
    .site-navigation li a:focus,
    .site-navigation .current_page_item > a,
    .site-navigation .current_page_item > a {
        color: #e1716b;
    @media screen and (min-width: 64em) {
    	/* Menu Background Color */
    	.site-navigation ul ul,
    	.site-navigation ul ul li,
    	.search-container {
    		background-color: #000;
    	/* Menu Text Color */
    	.site-navigation a,
    	.social-navigation a, 
    	.menu-search-main-toggle {
    	    color: #fff;
    	/* Sub-menu Border and Color */
    	.site-navigation .menu-item-has-children > ul,
    	.site-navigation .page_item_has_children > ul {
    		border-top: 3px solid #e1716b;

    2. On the slider of the Adventurous Pro theme, there is only image opacity on hover and there is no overlay. Also, I don’t see any content alignment feature on the slider. If you want the same opacity CSS then you can add the following CSS:

    #feature-slider-section .slides:hover img,
    #feature-slider-section .slides:focus img {
    	opacity: 0.9;	

    Thank you. (I presume you mean Alchemist Pro above, not Adventurous Pro.)


    So, on the Alchemist Pro, there is “Image Overlay”, “Content Position” and “Text Alignment” are all there. Just go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider”.
    Please check this screenshot:


    Thanks 🙂


    Nice, welcome, marking this topic as solve and closed.

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