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  • #86141

    Hi there, I am pretty new to WordPress and development but I read and test a lot. However this time I didn’t get how to add the missing translations in pt_BR for the “Leave a comment” and the “% Comments” links that appears on the top of posts on the post pages, but also on the home page, the archive pages, etc.

    I modified comments.php from the Clean Box folder for few other missing translations and I worked. But I am sure this is not the correct method, as I will lost my translations when I will update the theme.

    Hereafter the complete list of missing translations on my site (those translations do exist on the WordPress page for “Translation of Clean Box: Brazilian Portuguese”):
    – One thought on “%2$s”
    – % thoughts on “%2$s”
    – % Comments
    – Leave a comment
    – Newer Comments →
    – 1 Comment
    – ← Older Comments
    – % Comments


    Hi @hugodebe,

    I recommend you to use other method than to change the theme’s core code for translation. You will need to create pt_BR.po and file from clean-box.pot. I downloaded the pt_BR.po file from the link you’ve provided and made it work as per the clean-box.pot file by copying the header in pt_BR.po file from clean-box.pot file. Then selected Brazilian language in Dashboard=> Settings=> Site Language, and all of the above strings is being translated to Brazilian. You can use poedit for editing .po files and .mo file will be automatically generated.
    Let me know if any problem.



    Thanks @manesh, I finally managed to install the translations! I spent more than an hours trying to setup the and pt_BR.po by different ways but the translation files weren’t working on the Clean Box theme on my site Then I updated the theme from 0.5 to the new 1.0 version and it works. This new version comes with the da_DK included.

    For people that aren’t familiar with Theme Translations, find hereafter the few steps to install a new language file to your WordPress:

    First of all, update your Clean Box theme to the last version (1.0 or higher).

    1- I found the Brazilian Portuguese language file for this theme at There are a lot of translations from the community.
    2- On the language page, at the end of the table, you can “Export” (“All current” in .po format).
    3- I opened the downloaded file (wp-themes-clean-box-pt-br.po) with Notepad++.
    4- From the FTP folder /wp-content/themes/clean-box/languages I downloaded/opened the da_DK.po file with Notepad++ to have a look to the header.
    5- I completed the header of my wp-themes-clean-box-pt-br.po with the following missing lines:

    “Language: pt_BR\n”
    “X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;esc_attr_e;esc_attr__;_nx:1,2,4c;esc_html__;esc_attr_x:1,2c\n”
    “X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n”
    “X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n”

    6- I downloaded the Poedit software and used it to edit few translations on my wp-themes-clean-box-pt-br.po. It’s very easy to use.
    7- With Poedit, I saved my file to pt_BR.po and Compile to MO... to get the corresponding file.

    Note: I don’t know if the file name of the .po and .mo files are case sensitive. I mean, is pt_BR.po the same as pt_br.po? By the way, the standard looks to be pt_BR.po.

    8- I uploaded both pt_BR.po and to the FTP folder /wp-content/themes/clean-box/languages, where you will see clean-box.pot, and da_DK.po (Clean Box v1.0).

    Reload your web site. Ta da!


    Hi @hugodebe,

    Glad you made it work. And the above one the the great step by step tutorial for creating .po, .mo files for translation.
    And yes the .po and .mo files are case sensitive.
    Thank you for the above.
    Have a nice day!



    I had a similar question. Thanks for the answer!


    Great effort really appreciate. Finally got the answer…….thank you


    @fadaae: Thank you for your appreciation. Have a nice day!


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