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  • #97130


    How can I activate the comments for a static page in Catch Box Pro? I remember that there was a comment function in the free Catch Box Theme which I miss now for a static page. But I want it only on one page, not for the rest of my website.

    If it is not possible and I have to create a blog in order to show up comments, how can I make a Blog ressemble a static page? I want to remove author and date of the blog and show up all of the content on one page without redirection (remove “read on here”).

    Thank you for answering,



    @sarahf: Do you mean to show comment section for blog in the front page? Can you please clarify more.

    For showing whole post without Read More link, go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Content layout and select Show full content option. And for hiding author and date of blog, you can use Custom CSS, go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    .entry-header .entry-meta {
        display: none;



    Ok, this helps, thank you, Mahesh.

    Now I would like to know how I can set this blog page as a static page so that it would be my home page (URL:

    Could you please tell me how I can do this?

    So many thanks for your quick help.

    Best regards,



    And a further question:

    How can I remove the “footer” of the blog saying “this blog post was published in uncategorized by (author) permalink”?

    Thank you so much.


    @sarahf: For displaying blog on static pages, you’ll need to customize a theme a bit. So please use a child theme. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE. Then in your child theme, create front-page.php file and paste the code from the link below:

    *Remove the “footer” of the blog saying “this blog post was published in uncategorized by (author) permalink”
    -> Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    #content footer.entry-meta {
        display: none;



    Hi Maesh,

    thanks for the code.

    I did not want to modify the footer, but the phrase before the comment blog. There is a phrase like “this blog post was published in uncategorized by (author) permalink”.

    How can I remove this?

    Thank you very much,


    And… does it really have to be so difficult?

    I found an example of an existing Catch Box website which has a comment box on as static homepage. This is just what I want:

    An there is no blog post remark as “this blog post was published in uncategorized by (author) permalink”.

    Is this due to a prior version of the (free) theme? I would like to have it like that and I have the paid Catch Box Pro Theme.

    Thank you very much for your help!


    Hi there,

    one of my problems is resolved. When I put in the code for removing the “published by…on” header of the blog, the blog footer “this post was published by…” disappeared as well. Great. How I did it:

    You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    .hentry .entry-meta { display: none; }

    (I found the code here in the forum).
    So there remains only the problem how to choose a blog post page to be the static home page. Are you sure that I need to customize with so much coding?

    I tried to set a post page as static in “settings-reading”, but it does not work.
    So if there is no other possibility than heavy coding, this might be a suggestion for a next Catch Pro Version.


    @sarahf: In the example site you’ve mentioned above, it is using the static page with no blog posts. Do you want the same? If so, go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Static Front Page and select Static front page in Front page displays option then choose desired page in Front page you want to display as home page and a blog page in Posts page.
    Then go to Dashboard=> Pages and edit the page you’ve selected as Front page. On the edit page there is a button Screen Options on the left upper section beside Help, click it so some option slides down then check on Discussion option. Then scroll down to find display tab below content area and check on Allow comments option and click Update.
    Hope this helps. Let me know if any problem.



    Thank you, Mahesh,

    this is exactly what I wanted. Great!!!

    Best regards,

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