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  • #12018


    Firstly, on my homepage I have two menus unnecessarily highlighted where I only need the ‘News’ tab highlighted.

    Secondly, at the end of the menu bar there is little gap. Any way to get rid of that space?

    Finally, I can’t get the same widgets to show on the homepage as they do on all the other pages. Those missing widgets happen to be downloaded plugins for Twitter and Instagram.

    I’ve tried to solve these issue but with no luck. Any help appreciated.



    Q1: Firstly, on my homepage I have two menus unnecessarily highlighted where I only need the ‘News’ tab highlighted.
    — This is because you have selected same page as “Front page” and “Posts page” in your settings. So, go to “Settings => Reading” and adjust it.

    Secondly, at the end of the menu bar there is little gap. Any way to get rid of that space?
    — This gap depends on the menu you use. So, I recommend to keep as it is.

    Finally, I can’t get the same widgets to show on the homepage as they do on all the other pages. Those missing widgets happen to be downloaded plugins for Twitter and Instagram.
    — Check your sidebars in “Appearance => Widgets”. If you want all sidebar to show same widgets. Then you need to add the widgets in “Main Sidebar” and then remove widgets from all other sidebars. Or you can add same widgets in all the sidebar where you want to show same widgets.

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