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  • #7296

    Good evening!

    2 things i would love to get help with!

    1th in post on right up side corner  the “link” “image” and so is displayed, how do i take them away from the posts?

    2nd, the gallery´s i made have now after i changed to pro(i think), is making the right side of mosaic gallery´s photos get cut in half. Any way to fix it or got to remake them with some other gallery program?

    As allways thankful for help, you saved me a few times all ready 🙂



    @Mickesan: Good Evening!
    1st to hide the post format display link, image and so on. Just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    `.entry-header .entry-format { display: none; }`

    2nd question about gallery, I don’t understand it.


    Hey and thanks!
    Sorry  i wasnt clear about gallery.
    When i use the mosaic and center the gallery with disable sidebar template.
    The pictures on right side of the gallery gets cut of to half.

    I have them on full witdth disable sidebar now and pictures are on left side on page  now, so half page is empty, but gallery shows fully!

    Would love to get them centerd with 1 of those setting and full pictures 🙂
    Hope that makes sence 🙂



    @Mickesan: I just check in and found that you have setup your gallery width to 644px ( data-original-width=”644″) that is why it is floating left as it is not full width. But if you just want to center this gallery then you can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    ` .tiled-gallery { display: block; margin: 0 auto; width: 644px; }`


    Thank you again.
    Hope you have a good weekend!

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