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  • #10220

    Yes, I followed the instructions before posting. “Featured Slider” is not an option shown under Theme Options. There is, however, a tab called “FEATURED SLIDER” under which I have set options I prefer.
    I have solved the problem in this way. Before, I was inserting the URL from my WordPress media library in the URL box. The only way I was able to get the Slider to work was to Upload the picture again and select “Insert into Post” option at the bottom.
    I hope this helps others who struggle with this feature.


    @Sakin: The URL is as follows

    I want the writing on the featured image slider, however I do not want the ‘Home’ title on the writing bit below.

    While I am at it, I have a few more questions. Is there a way to make the featured slide the same size, as you can see the first image is a different size to the other two.

    Secondly if I wanted to change one page, e.g. the ‘speakers’ page to a different background colour, but no other page. How would I do this?

    Thank you!


    @GranPaSmurf: Did you look through theme instruction at

    To setup featured slider do the following steps:
    1. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    2. Click on Slider Options, then click on Featured Image Slider
    3. Click on Featured Image Slider Options and add in the Image, Link, Title and Content in Featured Slide Post#1, #2 respectively
    4. Click on Save button


    @Raminder: Can you send me your site URL?


    @bobnolley: Sorry I don’t get it what you mean. This is about setting up featured post slider.


    Thank you Sakin, you were great as always!


    @Elisabetta: The issue has been fixed. I just updated to latest version 2.4.3


    Dude, you’re awesome. It’s now the first line of my custom CSS and it’s working great.


    – DB


    @striderbl: Thanks for putting back the footer. I see that there is some issue with the slider with the version. So, I have just push the update, but it will be only release once the WordPress theme review team makes it live. For now you have to manually update the theme. You can download theme from


    @dbentzen: Can you replace that with the following
    .single-post #main-slider { display: none; }

    But at this in the top section of Custom CSS box.


    Hi Sakin,

    Added the custom CSS:

    .single-post #main-slider { display: none; }

    but the slider still shows on posts…


    @Elisabetta: It looks like there is some issue with the slider script. Do debug, I need to check in your site. So, I will contact you through email.


    i put back the initial footer.php file but this problem is still appears. I have an other problem, when i install theme i cant see my recent post and after this i need to set a static front page for displaying my post, when in options is mentioned to show recent posts the slider works correctly with more than one featured post, but posts are not seen. When i make to show concrete categories on the front page, i see posts, but now i have problems with slider. i dont know what to do


    Hello Sakin,
    I’ve been using Simple Catch since long and the slider always worked pefectly. However, it’s been two days since it’s blocked: as you can see from my homepage, it shows only one post, although I set it for six. What can I do?


    @dbentzen: Don’t have option to remove the slider from the post. But yes you can hide the slider in the post by adding the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .single-post #main-slider { display: none; }


    @dianaascher: Thanks for your appreciation and you know what every theme has it’s limitations.

    1. Can I change the size of the slider so it becomes a left-hand slider next to text?
    — for this you need to use featured image slider and then change the css. So, for this you need to use your developer. Only image slider in there in Catch Everest Pro.

    2. I’m having trouble locating the slider below the header, and the main body content in between the slider and the featured articles.
    — I don’t understand this. The slider cannot be moved without customizing the theme. The slider will be below the menu. But I see that in your site, you have 3 post in the slider but only 1 have featured image, that is why it is not displaying properly. Add featured image in and

    3. For some reason, all of the content for my pages gets replaced by the word “On”. Can you tell what’s causing that?
    — This is the excerpt text from the post that you have added. You can change that content though the excerpt box or the excerpt text. See this

    If you want to control the slide with easy then you need Image Slider where you can upload the image of your own choice size, then add title, content, links all optional.


    @Zoey Cotton: Did you check in the Theme Instruction at

    I am not so clear about your questions.

    The Mount Everest Image and the text with it is the Slider. You can change that by assigning Post ID in Featured Post Slider. For that

    1. First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    2. Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post, you will see the id in your browser address bar. You will also be able to find the post ID when viewing your all posts. But if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    3. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. Add in the post id.


    @striderbl: I see that you have customize the footer. Please restore the footer.php file and it will be fine.

    Also I see that you are using Free Simple Catch Theme and Remove Theme: Simple Catch. This is necessary for all free theme users. As this is also appreciation that you get for providing the free themes and free support. If you want to edit your footer text. then use simple catch pro theme where you have footer edit options.

    Member this is my site

    with one slide work’s normally, but with 2 i see unformatting in page and posts and widgets goes up under slider. what it can be, i have tried tu uninstall plugins becouse i thought that can be an conflict between

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