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  • #11256

    @Anja0625: It’s because of the following CSS in your Custom CSS box. Remove the following css from “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #main-slider .entry-container {height:400px;}
    #main-slider .entry-header {height:400px;}

    In reply to: without slide


    @vickygeek: In Catch Everest Free theme there is not image slider where you have just add single image or multiple images. In Catch Everest Pro theme, there is option to upload the image, through Image Slier. Just upload only 1 image and there won’t be slider. See theme instruction for more details

    In Catch Everest Free theme, there is Featured Post Slider. Yes, you can add only one post as Featured Post Slider, so it will only have one image.

    Follow the instruction below to add the Featured Post Slider.
    1. First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    2. Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post, you will see the id in your browser address bar. You can also find the Post is in All Posts section. But if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    3. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. Add in the post id.


    @Anja0625: You have option to set different image for individual post if you have Catch Everest Pro Theme. There is option to select images from
    slider: 1140px by 450px
    featured: 690px by 462px
    Original Full Image

    To center the copyright line in the footer, you can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #site-generator .copyright {
    text-align: center;
    width: 100%;

    Oh I though you were using the Pro version. But when I check in, I see that you are using Catch Everest Free Version. Note: You are not allowed to change the footer credit Theme: Catch Everest. This is only the means of recognition that we received for providing the free theme and free support. So, if you want to remove the footer credit, just upgrade to Catch Everest Pro and edit the footer text through easy to use Footer Editor in Theme Options panel.

    For more information about Catch Everest Pro. See this


    @1902: It should work if you have followed the step.
    Try this. Just go to “Appearance => Featured Post Slider => Add Slider Options”. Then add the ID 1902 in Featured Slider Post #1 box and 102 in Featured Slider Post #1. Then save it.

    If you cannot get the slider, then try disabling plugin one by one. If it still doesn’t work then let me know it. I will contact though email and check in your server.


    @evag: Can you send me your site URL?


    @Raminder: I see that you have added the following CSS in “Custom CSS” box.

    .page .entry-title {
        display: none;

    Replace the above css with the following

    .page .entry-header {
        display: none;

    There is no option to add in the footer black space. You can add widget in Footer Widgets areas and sidebars.

    But since you are using Catch Everest Pro theme, there is small trick. First add the social icon widgets in sidebar or footer widgets. Then get the view source and add the html code in the footer editor.


    In reply to: Custom featured slider


    @Sebastiaan.Horn: In Simple Catch Free theme, we only have featured post slier where it will link to post. If you don’t want link and have your own custom text, then you have to use “Image Slider”. To use image slider, you need to upgrade to Simple Catch Pro theme.

    See this for additional features in Simple Catch Pro theme


    @Sakin I have decided to take your advice and leave it as it is. It seems fine like that 🙂

    However I do have more questions! 🙁 (Sorry!)

    On this page I would like to remove the white space between the ‘University of Southampton’ banner and the menu. I have some code in my CSS which I thought would do the job…but it didnt.

    Secondly, in the footer, I have added the social media links in the sidebar footer. However can I place this in the actual footer? Do I need a HTML shortcode to do it somehow?

    Thank you!

    P.S. I am liking the pro version!


    @svoelker: I don’t know which slider you are using. There is option for post slider, image slider and others.

    If you are using post slider, then you can adjust the amount of text from the excerpt box in your post. See this

    If you are using Image Slider, then you can change the content from the slider options itself.

    If you want to adjust the width of the slider text box then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* For Screen Size above 960px */
    @media screen and (min-width: 960px) {
    .featured-text {
        width: 80%;

    @Raminder: Thanks for your appreciation. If you are satisfied with the code inside your editor. That is fine. You don’t need to replace with the css.

    Let me know what you want to do. Then just create that and let me know where to add the border and details. Then I will send you the css.


    @Sakin I have added this in the text editor (not CSS)

    <div style=”width: 300px; height: 280px; border: 10px double grey;”>
    <p style=”padding-left: 5px;”><span style=”font-size: 14px;”><span style=”font-family: georgia, palatino;”>Join our mailing list to receive updates, application hints and improve your industry knowledge!</span></span></p>
    [contact-form-7 id="481" title="Subscribe to our mailing list!"]

    However I would like to take the <div> out and create a border in the CSS (if that is possible)

    I think I shall take the plunge and buy the Pro (The main reason is because of the support I have got already – It is much appreciated!)


    @Raminder: About your join Now. I don’t know how you have added and also let me know what exactly you want.

    About the Slider, Sorry I didn’t see that you are using Catch Everest Free theme. The page slider and image slider both are there only in pro version. See the additional feature in pro version at


    @Sakin Yes, I have been a bit unclear with what I am stuck on.

    The border – If I remove the custom inline border, how do I add a border around the ‘join out mailing list’ contact form?

    I mean the Featured Image Slider. I would like each image to link to a different page. You mentioned using the featured image page slider however I can only find the post slider. How can I find this?



    @svoelker: Can you send me your site URL and also tell me what you mean by reducing the hompepage slider content box not covering much. Can you send me screenshot of how much you want.


    @Raminder: I am bit lost with your question. I check in your site at and I scroll down. Then I see “Join our mailing list” box. But I don’t know how you added those box. As there is custom inline border which cannot be replaced by css. You first need to remove that inline border then only we can control though custom css.

    Are you talking about Homepage Featured Content or Slider. I thought you are talking about the slider. If you want to link the Homepage Featured Content to page then you have to add the link in “Link URL” your Homepage Featured Content Options that you will find in “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings”.



    For the border box I don’t mean the featured image. If you scroll down I have a subscribe box and news box – how do you properly put a border around those?

    I have tried the ‘Homepage Featured Content’ but the images are not the same size as the slider. I think I am using the wrong thing. Where is the featured page slider?

    Thank you!


    @Raminder: As you can see in your site the featured image in fit with the box. It’s just some are larger height and another smaller height.

    For Slider link: If you use featured image slider, then you can link to any place my changing the URL in link section. But if you want to change directly to pages, then you can use featured page slider. That you can select from Slider options in your Theme Options panel.



    Sorry for more questions!

    I have some border boxes on my website (as can be seen on the Homepage and Venue page) however how do i do it so it is around that area properly? At the moment I have sized the boxes and it doesn’t fit if I change the image etc.

    Secondly, on the Featured image slide, I would like the link to take the person to a specific page. How can I do this?

    Thank you!


    I am wanting to add a full width header image for each of my Pages.
    This is to be the same height and width as the slider image on the Homepage.
    I want to add it to all Pages except the Homepage.
    — This option is only there in Pro version. Where you can add it from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options”.

    See the details about additional features in Catch Everest Pro at

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