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  • #17183

    @thivi: Yes that will enable you for support but I don’t recommend you changing that. Also when you want to edit core theme file, you need to build child theme and edit it. As all the core theme files edited directly will be reverted back to original once you update the theme.


    Tell u what I renabled all plugins one by one and now none seem to conflict with the slider. And BTW Sakin will I be able to add a different license information in the footer keeping the credit to simple catch intact? Thank u so much for ur kind help!


    In reply to: Slider not working


    @Stefing: I think you didn’t read instruction clearly. You are not supposed to edit any core theme files and replacing the image from FTP in a bad method and you will loose your image once you update the theme. As all the core files edited will be reverted back when you update the theme.

    I see that you are using Catch Everest Free theme. In our free themes,you only have option to user Featured Post Slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. For this, you first need to create a post and add the Featured Image in your post. As this featured image will be used in slider image. Then you need to get the Post ID and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”. See this screenshot on how the IDs have been added


    @thivi: I check in your site and found that there is issue with then plugin. For now, I have just deactivate most of the plugins and then slider is working fine. So, it is sure there is plugin conflict. To check which plugin is conflicting. Activate the plugin one by one and check in your site. So, you will fine which plugin activation will effect the slider.


    In reply to: Header-white space


    Also, my featured image slider is not working anymore. My site is


    what i meant by diffrent post ids were in response to u saying that i hav tthe same post id in every fiels. But I have diffrent post ids, i.e 44,41,51. But the slider doesn’t display the featured image image from these posts. It just displays the featured image of one post for all the other posts and the title doesn’t change either. The caption changes though


    @thivi: That is just a sample ID on the basis of your post. You can add the ID as you required. But it has to be post id not page id. Ok I will email you.


    no I have different post ids. would u mail me at [email protected], so that i can give u my login info for u to get into my site and check?


    @thivi: When I check in your site. Your slider is working fine. I think you have same post ID in all three Featured Post ID. Try adding different IDS. For example in
    #1 Featured Post ID: 55
    #2 Featured Post ID: 51
    #3 Featured Post ID: 41


    @Sakin, Sorry for removing the footer, I wasn’t aware of what u said. And I reinstated the theme but still it doesn’t work. The images and the title remain static while the captions change.


    @thivi: I see that you have customize the Theme and that is why the scripts are not working. Please revert back to the original theme and it will work. Also you have changed the footer copyright in Simple Catch Free theme. It is not recommended to change it in Free version as this is the only reason we provide free themes and free support. Please add back.

    If you want to edit footer then use Simple Catch Pro theme where you have easy to edit Footer Editor in Theme Options panel. Read more about simple catch pro theme at


    @rbrek: Still not enough post, as in your “Settings => Reading” Blog pages show at most.

    So, you have total 11 Post, but 1 is featured slider which will not be counted. So, only 10. Try reducing in the Reading settings or increase the number of posts.


    Ok. I checked the Exclude Slider from Homepage posts. And I added an 11th post. But if you scroll all the way down on the Home page, there still is nothing to indicate there are more posts on the blog. It just ends with my 2nd post. The Previous and Next you mentioned aren’t showing up.


    @rbrek: Your site shows that you only have total 10 posts. Where you have “My First Blog” post in your slider and rest in the homepage. Next and Previous will be there only after you have more then 10 posts. If you want to show your slider post in the blog as well then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and check “Exclude Slider post from Homepage posts”.


    Oops. Another question. I’m seeing that my very first post is still in the dashboard and shows up when I view it. But it no longer shows up on the bottom on my Blog when the public looks for it. Do you have a button or something to direct to older posts? Where did the oldest post go?


    There! That did it! Obviously I am not a computer programmer, so I need help like this. Thank you so much! The photo looks awesome!!


    @rbrek: Oh you mean to hide the post text. You can just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #slider-wrap .featured-text {
        visibility: hidden;

    Ok Sakin, it’s posted. Let me know how to fix it or when I can take it back down. Thanks!


    Ok, I’ll put it up for a bit. Give me about five minutes.


    @rbrek: I need to see the issue in your slider. Here you have loaded demo slider which is fine.

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