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  • #42227

    In reply to: Various questions


    Ok still no luck with creating hyperlinks using the text editor, Jetpack totally messes up editor.

    Also what is the recommended size for the header logo?

    Featured slider images are 1140 x 450 correct



    Is there a way to but a border around the featured slider?
    Is it possible to change the margins in the widget boxes?

    Awesome support! Much appreciated!


    @brexous: I see that you are using Catch Everest Free theme, you can see in theme instructions page, the slider take the featured image size of Width: 1140px and Height: 450px and the Content featured image as Width: 690px and Height: 462px. Sorry there is no option to change that. You might want to try plugins such as Thumbnail Editor to edit those thumbnail.

    Or simply upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme, where you have option to choose image size in the Post and Page “Catch Everest Options” meta box. Also you have option to use independent Featured Image Slider to add independent slider images.


    @Jeff: If you have user Featured Image Slider then you should be able to link to any external link. Yes, to open the link in new window, you need to check “Target. Open Link in New Window”. You can check out


    @Consciousness: Wow such as long questions for free support.

    As you can see in the theme instruction page at We recommend you adding Featured Image specially in your post. The most important is for your Free version Featured Slider. As the free version don’t have Image Slider to upload independent image in your slider. So, you need to create post and add featured image, which will be used for Featured Post Slider. See this

    For pages, it doesn’t matter much if you add or remove featured image.

    (1) There is no default image. If you add featured image then it will display. Otherwise it will not display featured image. So, it depends on your choice where you need or not.

    (2) Nothing wrong. It’s your choice and design.

    (3) You can use Thumbnail Editor to edit it. Also you can use plugin to edit your thumbnails.

    (4) Not necessary

    (5) To use just image, you need to use Featured Image Slider which is there only in pro version. . To hide text in the slider in free version, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }

    5(e) This falls under plugin territory and we are not allowed to add these featured when hosting theme in So, you need to search for plugin and install it.

    5(f) Pro version has additional features. Some of these has been highlighted in theme instructions page at

    6 If you switch to pro versions. Yes it will be smooth and easy transfer. We also have free support for upgrade if you want us to do that for you. But make sure you have not edited or add any files inside catch-evolutions theme directory. As this files will be reverted back to original when you update or upgrade the theme. But all the changes made through Theme Options panel will remain intact.


    @Morganti: There is option to disable slider. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and in “Enable Slider”, you can select “Disable” and save changes.

    To add Meta Slider in place of current slider. First disable the slider as instructed above. Then you can build child theme. You can download sample child theme from here There in this child theme, you cad add the following code in the child them functions.php file. In the following code I have added sample meta slider shortcode. So, you need to replace [metaslider id=123]

     * Add Meta Slider in place of default slider
    function adventurous_child_meta_slider() {
    	//Add your meta slider code
    	echo '<div id="main-slider">';
    		echo do_shortcode("[metaslider id=123]");
    	echo '</div><!-- #main-slider -->';
    add_action( 'adventurous_before_main', 'adventurous_child_meta_slider', 40 );

    The problem is that in “widgets” it lacks a location (widget area) so I can put my Widgets “Meta slider” (or any other widget). This is to replace the “slider” (Featured Slider) of the “theme” (adventurous-pro). Or have an option to disable the slider “slider” (Featured Slider) of the “theme” (adventurous-pro).

    Thank you for your help 🙂


    @Michael: I also see that you have directly edit files inside adventurous-pro theme directory. Please don’t do that, as all the edits inside adventurous-pro theme will be reverted back to original when you update the theme.

    To change the images in the slider, you just select Featured Image slider and add it which is shown in and further you can see detail theme instructions at


    Hi Luca,

    The slider is not the Promotion Headline. It’s called “Featured Slider”. In Adventurous free theme, you have option to select slider type as “Featured Post Slider” or “Featured Category Slider”. But the “Featured Image Slider” and “Featured Page Slider” are only available in Pro version.

    To change the image in slider in Adventurous Free theme, you need to create post and add featured image in that post

    1. For Featured Post Slider, you need to select slider type as “Post Slider” from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and then add in Post ID at “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider”. See the video at

    2. For Featured Category Slider, you need to select slider type as “Category Slider” from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and then select Category at “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider”.

    If you opt in for Pro version, then you can have independent Featured Image Slider as



    Hello DRH,

    I just check in your slider and see that you are using Featured Post Slide in “Catch Kathmandu Pro theme”. But the image size added as featured image in those posts are small. Your featured image width is just 661px width. But the size needed is 1280px width. So, you need to edit those post and upload the larger featured image.

    See the tutorial:
    Adding Featured Image:
    Adding Featured Post Slider:
    Adding Featured Image Slider:
    Theme Instruction page:



    In the “Theme Option” you have “Featured Slider” menu.
    But I have another extension “Meta slider”.
    I haven’t found an option to put “Meta slider” instead of “Featured Slider”.

    Is it a little more understandable?
    If Yes, can you help me please ?

    Sorry for my english not great 🙂


    In reply to: posts display


    Hello Charles,

    I am not sure about your settings. So, I suggest you check you settings.
    Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and make sure you un-checked “Exclude Slider post from Homepage posts”



    Hi Sachin. Thanks. Still having trouble with background solid color of arrows (stays default solid blue without hovering) on featured slider. Able to change hover color and text color of the arrows. Any ideas?



    Hi Sakin: Thanks very much.

    Got almost all to work. For the arrows on the featured slider, I changed the hovering color.
    1) The only part not working is the arrow and 3-dots on the featured slider are still default blue color. Is there some additional CSS for this?

    2) Also if I would like to change the font color from white to black of to make the font size smaller in the headline or the footer widgets or the copyright footer, is there some CSS for this?

    Thanks again!


    Hi Sakin,

    I want to make the menu bar which above the featured image slider and the headline which is under the featured image slider, and the footer where show’s the copyright area with less margin.

    Thank you,



    @Pippylala: If you are using Catch Evolution Free Theme then you only have option to user Featured Post Slider where images are auto crop to 754px width and 400px height. It will auto crop is the images are larger then this but if the image is of exact this size or smaller then it will load the original size. So, it’s better to crop the image in this size before you upload it.

    Fore more details see the theme instructions page at


    Hi Sam,
    I see that you are using Catch Kathmandu Free Theme.
    1. Your question about moving the menu down below the logo.
    — For this first, you need to disable Header Right sidebar. For this, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Options” and click on “Check to Disable” in Disable Header Right Sidebar and save changes.
    — Then you need to create Custom Menu from “Appearance => Menus” and then assign you menu as “Secondary Menu” from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Location”. For instructions on custom menu see this and

    2. Your featured image size in those posts added in slider is smaller then required. If you see the theme instructions page at, where you can see the size for Featured Post Slider is Width: 1280px
    and Height: 550px. Yes, cropping is done automatically if the image size is larger then this size but how can it crop the image smaller then 1280px width.

    3. If you don’t want the sidebar and content in homepage, then first check in your reading setting at “Settings => Readings” and make sure you have selected “Your latest posts” and in “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage / Frontpage Settings”, make sure you have not checked in “Enable Latest Posts”.



    In reply to: Frontpage slideshow


    @Pippylala: That will change to the post IDs that you add in “Appearance => Theme Options => Feature Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”. This is called Featured Post Slider.


    In reply to: Slider Modifications


    1. I didn’t knew that you are using Catch Box Pro theme, in this theme you can remove the arrow and then add circle.
    To add the circle you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* Controllers */
    #controllers {
    	display: block;
    #controllers a {
    	background-color: #B7B7B7;
    	display: inline-block;
    	height: 12px;
    	margin: 0 3px;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	text-indent: 999999px;
    	width: 12px;
    	-webkit-border-radius: 6px;
    	-moz-border-radius: 6px;
    	border-radius: 6px;
    #controllers a:hover, #controllers {

    To remove arrow from the slider, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #nav-slider .nav-previous, 
    #nav-slider .nav-next {
    	display: none;

    Note: But to add this, you need to have more then one post in your slider.

    2. Nice

    3) For this you can add the following css and change the position as per your need.

    #slider-wrap .featured-text {
        bottom: 25px;
        left: 10px;
        position: absolute;
        width: 60%;

    In reply to: Frontpage slideshow


    @Pippylala: Catch Evolution Free theme only have option to add in Featured Post Slider, which is created to highlight your posts in the slider. So, first you need to create post and add featured image. For this you can check this video and then you need to add in your post IDS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Feature Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options. For this you can check this video

    If you upgrade to pro version, then you have option to user “Featured Image Slider or Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider or Featured Page Slider”. To find our more information about pro version, check out

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