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  • #50820

    Hi @Sakin, I’m facing the same problem with @veetam as well.

    I just bought the catchbase PRO. Uploaded 3 images into the Featured image slider, but only 1 image appear.

    Ive also do a screen video recording to give u a better understanding of the issue.

    Please advise. Thanks.



    Hi ~ Thanks for your help. I don’t want to create a Child Theme at this time. If needed I would add back the fix after an update, or, add a Child Theme later once I had managed to correctly alter the code on the theme’s functions.php. However it is still not working when I try to do that. Following your suggestion I edited main functions.php as follows:
    //Featued Posts for Normal Width
    add_image_size( ‘featured-slider’, 9999, 200, true ); // Used for featured posts if a large-feature doesn’t exist

    //Featured Posts for Full Width
    add_image_size( ‘featured-slider-larger’, 9999, 200, true ); // Used for featured posts if a large-feature doesn’t exist

    and it is still doing the same problem as previous attempts where it is contracting the WIDTH also. If I leave the height value at 400, the whole thing is still too big for what I’m aiming for.
    I didn’t use the plug-in but it was altering the old thumbnails anyway – and – I did always try adding a new post and the new posts did the same thing of the width shrinking also even though it had the highest value. My understanding is that with the changed code a NEW post will conform to the updated code. But the Width is still shrinking when the Height is given a value less than 300. I want the Width to stay the same but with a smaller height. So it is not working.

    Please advise. I want to test this out on the current theme’s functions.php and don’t want to do a Child Theme at this time. I will copy over the code when there are updates or create a Child Theme then. If we can get this to work.

    I’m emailing you separately a link so you can see what I mean since I don’t want to post that info on here.

    Thank you for your help.


    Hello Sakin,

    WPML already fix some string translations, but not all of them.
    I still have no translation for the strings:

    Please can you contact WPML about this problem.
    This issue is now almost 2 months old and we are still waiting for an answer.

    Thank you


    @Taylor3000: There are lot of differences between between Simple Catch Free and Pro version. You can see the list of additional features and instructions at

    1. Change the size of the Home Page Slider?
    — If you are trying to change the height, then yes you can. In Simple Catch Pro theme, you can use “Featured Image Slider” instead of “Featured Post Slider”. In Image Slider, you can upload image, title, content and link as per your need. See this screencast for Image Slider:

    2. Get rid of the textured grid that appears in the background of the images on the slider? (I’d like the images to appear crisper/sharper.)
    — You can remove this in both Free and Pro version. In Free version, just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Effect Options” then check in “Disable Slider Background Effect” and save changes. In Pro version, just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” then check in “Disable Slider Background Effect” and save changes.

    3. In the gray area behind the Home Page Slider (sorry if the lingo isn’t exactly right) would I be able put in an image as a static background?
    — To add background image. You first need to upload the image from media uploader “Media => Add New”. Then send me the image URL and your site URL. Then I will send you CSS that you can add in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    4. If I buy the Pro version and find I don’t like the look that I’m able to achieve do you offer any kind of return/refund policy?
    — We don’t have any refund policy that is why we are providing free version for test ride. If you like it then you can purchase Pro version. But yes, if you don’t like it then we can exchange with other theme from our theme shop. But this has to be done within 30 days of purchase.

    5. Given the type of website I’m trying to create, do you believe another one of your themes might be a better option?
    — Sorry I won’t be able to answer this question. You can check our demo and use free version to test our latest theme and check in.


    Hi Sakin: This is the information I sent yesterday to WPML. This is very specific and I think clearly lays out the problem.
    Hello Beda : Sorry for delay in reply. I checked and as you say the site is using the default Permalink Structure but that does not seem to be the cause of the trouble.
    You are not quite correct in defining the problem.
    The site runs the current version of all WPML plugins.
    The site works perfectly with Version 3.2 of Kathmandu Pro.
    The problem is only present when Version 4.0 of Kathmandu Pro is installed.
    The problem is: SOME of the string translations on the Home/Front page do not change with the language switcher. ALL Page and Post translations switch properly. Some of the strings on the Home/Front Page work properly. It does not matter whether the language is the default language or one of the other 6 languages.
    The specific strings which do not translate are in the general category of:
    The specific strings:
    All other front page strings work properly.
    I really believe this as an issue within version 4.0
    Each of these strings does show content on the screen, it simply does not change with the language switcher.
    To me it appears this is a Theme problem, not a WPML problem except to the extent that we all need to find out what is causing it and fix it. And at the moment the Theme seems not to be WPML compliant now.
    Thanks for your help.
    Feel free to look at the live site, but remember it is working fine at the moment because we have again reverted to the old version of the theme.
    Thank you for the infos

    If you can confirm:

    1. In WPML > String Translations the mentioned strings do appear, and are translated + saved
    2. Translate with WPML is active in WPML > Theme and Plugin localization
    3. You are using a non-default Permalink Structure

    Then this issue is because the Theme (by it’s update) has made some changes regarding those strings.
    The issue should then be addressed by the Themes Author.

    Could you provide me temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site
    – preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible –
    so I could quickly check some configurations?
    You will find the needed fields for this below the comment area when you log in to leave your next reply. The information you will enter is private which means only you and I can see and have access to it.

    ==> Please backup your database and website <==

    I think afterwards (if all is good with your install) we will contact the author ourselves as well, to ensure going on compatibility with WPML

    Thank you
    I have replied to him that all of the settings are as he requires. That we have again switched the theme versions back and forth and everything works perfectly with 3.2 and the problem remains with 4.0
    The site is currently running on 3.2
    I have given him an administrative account on the site AND I have given him your name.
    It would seem to make sense for the two of you to compare notes.
    If however you want an access to the site, that can be arranged.
    You can look at the site at any time: (but remember it is using 3.2).


    Hi I was referring to their class ID names, featured-post is the 4 squares below the big slider and below that there is the actual page content, now I want the page content to show after the image slider and then below that show the 4 sqaures with the featured posts


    About that in featured images there is only the possibility to change No of images, I can’t select images anymore?

    See this link for screenshot of the problem…


    @veetam: After you choose the slider type. You need to add in the slider details.
    For Example: if you choose Featured Image Slider from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Type” then you need to Click on “Select Image” and upload the images for your slider. If you choose Featured Page Slider, then you need to select pages. But when you choose Featured Page slider, make sure you have added in Featured Image in those pages. Same with Featured Post Slider and Category Slider.

    The original image that come with the slider is Featured Demo Slider. This is just for demo purposes. After selecting the featured type and adding in the details, send me your site URL and then I will check in.


    @Cyril: For that you need to use “Featured Image Slider” instead of Page or Post Slider. Just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and then select “Featured Image Slider” and Save Change. This will give you your own image slider where you can upload image, add title, content and link as per your need. You might want to check this screencast


    In reply to: Blog page set up


    1. That search referral is not from our theme. So, I don’t know about that.
    2. Are you talking about the text in the featured slider, then you can change that text color from “Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options => Slider Color Options”


    @bobar22: Sorry your question is confusing. By default “Homepage Headline” is above “Homepage Featured Content”. So, I don’t know what you mean.

    In catch Kathmandu Pro, if you are using Featured Post Slider then it will link to Post. There is no option to remove the link. If you want sliding image without the link then you can use Featured Image Slider. Just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”, then select Image Slider in Select Slider Type and save changes. Then you can upload image in “Featured Image Slider Options”.


    @Consciousness: It’s not recommended to change the theme files directly. As all these edits will be reverted back to original when you update the theme.

    Also after you change this file size, make sure you regenerate the thumbnail using “Regenerate Thumbnail” plugin.

    For unlimited width you can add 9999 and fixed height link 400. You can add the following code.

    function catchevolution_child_theme_setup() {
        add_image_size( 'featured-slider', 9999, 400 );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catchevolution_child_theme_setup', 11 )

    @andrews: In Simple Catch Featured Image in used in Archive pages and in the slider. But it is not used in single post. As in Single post, you can just upload and add the image directly in your post editor without any issue.

    If you are thinking about different then please explain.


    In reply to: slider options


    @mereed: These option are there in Pro version. You can choose Featured Page Slider or Post Slider or Category Slider. Or even you can add in your own custom image slider where you can add image, title, link, content all as per your need. For more details about pro version, check out theme instructions page at


    Hey i might be having a similar problem, where my image in the featured slider is too big, so the top half of my picture is getting cut off. How do i fix this?


    @Consciousness: Cropping is not custom css. But you can change the by building child theme. Read more detail about child theme from and you can also download sample child theme. Then you can add the following code in your child theme functions.php file and change the image size where 754 is the width and 400 is the height.

    function catchevolution_child_theme_setup() {
        add_image_size( 'featured-slider', 754, 400, true );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catchevolution_child_theme_setup', 11 );

    after you add this code, for all older post, you need to regenerate thumbnail and for new post it will be automatic. To regenerate the thumbnail in older post you can install Regenerate Thumbnail plugin.


    In reply to: Associated Files


    Hello Daniel,

    You shouldn’t edit/add any file inside your theme folder ‘adventurous-pro’. As all these edits will be reverted back to original when you update the theme and you will loose your customization. So, if you want to edits just css then you can use “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” and if you want to edit large level of CSS and/or functions then you need to build child theme and edit it. For child theme, you can check out

    You don’t need to any file to upload your image and link in the slider. The slider images that you are viewing by default in the demo slider images. You can replace those image by selecting your own slider type from “Image Slider, Post Slider, Page Slider and Category Slider”. You can choose that from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options => Select Slider Type“. After that you can check our theme instructions page at where you can ready detail instruction on how to add those slider image.

    We also have screencast for Image Slider and Post Slider



    @Wade: Just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #featured-post img,
    #main-slider img {
        box-shadow: none;

    @amandamarie0808: I see that you are using Catch Kathmandu Free theme. Which only have option to use “Post Slider or Category Slider”, these two slider are created to highlight your post in the slider. It takes your post title, excerpt and featured image and will link to post.

    To change that to page, you need to Page Slider and to link to any pages/custom URL then you need to use Featured Image Slider. But the option to use Page or Image slider is only there in Catch Kathmandu Pro version. So, your solution will be to upgrade to pro version.


    @Mogens: Yes, I check in your site and see that you have customize the core css file style.css. You shouldn’t edit/add any files inside core theme directory ‘catch-evolution-pro’. If you need to edit or add any extra css then you can either add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box or build child theme and add it in your child theme style.css. For child theme read

    So, please restore the original theme and then add customization as per the instruction. What is see in your cutomized style.css. There is missing closing bracket in

    #slider-wrap .featured-text .featured-text-wrap .slider-title {
        font-weight: bold;

    It should be as

    #slider-wrap .featured-text .featured-text-wrap .slider-title {
        font-weight: bold;
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