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  • #52842

    Hi Sakin

    I am using Catch Base. I can’t make the slider function work: I seem to have only “featured page” and “demo” options. When I use “featured page,” I get the title and site content, along with the featured image.

    I just want a few featured images, without page information (or without being part of a page) for my slider. How do I make that work?

    I am using the free version of Catch Base.

    Thanks for your help!


    @Leanvdm: For Catch Base Free theme slider, check out theme instructions at

    You can see that in free version, you have option to replace that demo slider with Page Slider. For that you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Select Slider Type” and select “Featured Page Slider”. Then you you can select pages in Featured Page #1, Featured Page #2, Featured Page #3 and Featured Page #1. If you want more then 4, then you need to change the number in “No of Slides”. After you change the number you need to refresh your customizer then it will show you more page selector. So, it will take the selected page featured image. So, if you add 4 pages, then it will show 4 sliding image and so on.


    @fan: Ok then add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }


    I’m sorry, I meant the bottom part of the featured picture slider it’s a transparent shadow and shows the post title and the order of slides in dots.

    I’d like to hide all that and just have pictures transform in each other like the demo page does


    @jamesremy: I just check in your site and the slider and featured content is working fine.


    Hi there, I’ve lost my featured content and homepage slider today and I don’t know how to get it back. When I enable the featured slider for the entire site, it shows up, but not when only for the homepage. I’m using catch everest.


    @erin: That tiger images are from The Featured Slider. By default, Demo Featured Slider will be loaded and will show that tigers sliding.

    In Adventurous Free theme, you have Featured Slider type as “Post Slider or Category Slider. So, first you need to create Post and assign featured image in your post. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and in “Select Slider Type”, you can select either Post Slider or Category Slider. If you choose post slider, then you need to add in Post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Features Post Slider Options”. See this video screencast and if you choose category slider, then you need to select the category from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Features Category Slider Options”. For more check out theme instructions page at

    Note: In pro version you have more features, for that check out theme instruction of adventurous pr at


    @Josue Salazar: You shouldn’t edit/add any files inside core theme folder ‘catch-flames’. As all these edits will be reverted back to original when you update or upgrade the theme.

    The slider you see in Catch Flames theme is the demo images. In Catch Flames free theme, there is option to change this demo images with your Page Slider images. For that, first you need to create pages and assign featured image in those pages. For featured image, check this Then, you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”, there in “Select Slider Type” you need to check in “Featured Page Slider”. Then you will see Featured Page Slider options box below, there you need to select the pages and save changes. For more check our theme instructions page at

    But if you upgrade to Catch Flames Pro, you will have option to change that demo slider to “Page Slider or Post Slider or Category Slider or Independent Image Slider. To know more about additional featured in Pro version, check out theme instructions page at


    @Tammy: Are you using Full Frame Free version.
    If you want to remove it then you can go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Settings” and in “Enable Slider on”, you need to select “Disabled”.

    But if you want to replace that with your own images. Then in Free version you have option to replace that Demo Slider Image with “Featured Page Slider. For then you can go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Type” and select “Featured Page Slider”. Then select the pages which you want to show as slider image. This is will take Featured image, title and excerpt text of that pages you have select. That’s why don’t forget to assign Featured Image For more check out theme instructions page at

    Note: You have option to use Image Slider or Post Slider or Category Slider or Page Slider in Pro version. There are other additional features in Pro version. You will find the list of additional features in theme instructions page of pro version at


    In reply to: Slider featured text


    1. You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #slider .slider-title { color: #aaa; font-weight: bold; }

    2. This cannot be done with custom css. So, you might want to build child theme and edit slider function. Hum, first let’s try new CSS3, where we will hide : and add -. Can you try adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    .featured-text-wrap .slider-title:after {
    background-color: #ddd;
    content: '';
    display: inline-block;
    margin-left: 10px;
    height: 1px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 10px;
    .featured-text-wrap .sep {
    display: none;


    That fixed it! The plugin ‘Map Images’ (Version 1.4.2) was causing the issue. Disabled the plugin and reset the the ‘Excerpt/More Tag’ setting and it fixed the featured slider.

    Thanks for the quick and simple fix Sankin. This theme and your support is awesome!


    @Troy: To add more slider image, you just need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and in “Number of Slides” you can increase the number.

    Sorry there is no option to add image under the slider.


    @David: For create pro support forum is If this page, fist you will see latest question and below that you will see the form Create New Topic in “Create Pro | Premium WordPress Themes”. Just fill that form,

    1. Sorry I was checking in the development version. There is fix in version 1.2 which we have just released it. This fixed dropdown menu in secondary menu. For update, you need to download zip file from your account at and use Catch Updater plugin. Detail instruction is mentioned in If you have any problem then let me know it and I can help you in setup as well.

    2. The Featured Page is the list of featured we have together in all themes. Create Pro theme is not designed to have slider. So, we don’t have it. That is why you have list of features listed in each theme page. See this

    3. If you are talking about additional features in Create Pro theme. We have listed that in Create Pro theme instructions page at


    On the page it clearly states that the features on those pages are included in all themes – the third item is: Featured Slider.

    Sub-menus do not work on the secondary location.

    If you say that grid is not part of this theme, and slider is not part of this theme, then what are the extra features for the PRO version. I don’t see any.

    As for the support forums, I logged in and this is where I was sent when I clicked on support – to the forums. Now you are telling me there are other forums, but there are no links to them. I wasted hours searching your site for support and it all leads to the paid support or this forum. Maybe you need to make your support options clearer, because I am not seeing it anywhere.


    I have bought and installed Create PRO. The specs say that you can add sliders and page grids. According to the not very good manual, after creating a post with images, you then go “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. However, there is NO Featured Post Slider in the options. As far as I can see there is NO difference between the PRO and the FREE versions. There also seems to only be support at a fee of $50. Scam? I will be rating this theme a big fat zero.

    Also, the columns and page grid does not exist. Your features page list these as features in ALL themes, but there is noting in the Theme Options for these features.

    How do I get my money refunded as this theme does include the features listed.


    1. Dots are already there in the center, so you might want to remove this. For that you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box :
    #slider-nav { display: none; }

    2.a) You can change the font size in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box :
    #featured-post .entry-title { font-size: 22px; }

    2.b) There is nothing like that. But yes, you can manually add hyper link in that content post. For example:
    <a href="you-url">Continue Reading &rarr;</a>

    3. Simply add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    .site { box-shadow: none; }

    4. Sorry I don’t get it what you mean.


    @luismarioochoa: Yes, you can do that.

    Here is details explanation.
    1. Featured Post Slider: If you choose featured post slider then you will be able to link to post.
    2. Featured Page Slider: If you choose featured page slider then you will be able to link to page.
    3. Featured Image Slider: You can upload image and add link to page or post or any URL you want.


    Hi Sakin,

    Would the current slider on the Free version be the same as the Featured Page Slider in the Pro version? Where it is now in the Free version is exactly where the client wants it and wants those 1140x450px linking to specific pages, not to posts. Please advice. Thanks


    1. In Pro version, you have option to use “Featured Page Slider”. So, it will take featured image from page and link to page. Further, it also have option to use Featured Image Slider, which is an independent slider where you can upload image, link as per your need.
    2. It depends on where you want to move to. It has to be managed from Custom CSS
    3. The ideal size for images in Homepage Featured Content Options is Width: 390px
    and Height: 261px. You can upload image and link as per your need.

    Fore more details check out theme instructions page at


    Hello Sakin,

    Thanks again.

    My screen is actually quite large (1920×1200) so that is not the problem.

    My problem is that the three case studies at:
    \case studies\companies\the guardian
    do not display wider than the ‘featured post slider’, or the central display are of the theme.

    In other words, these three titles do not display into the grey margin at the right but instead cut off.

    Is this different for you?
    Would the .site {overflow: visible; } fix this?
    Would the pro version fix this?

    Many thanks again,


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