I’m currently testing out some of your themes.
My current Favorit is “Catch Adaptive”. Unfortunatelty ther are 2 issues.
1. Links in Posts are not displayed when the Archiv Layout Option “Show excerpt” or colums layout are selected. Only when I select the third Option in English it may be Show conplete content (in German it is “Zeige ganzen Inhalt) the links are displayed.
=> See first post. The last word “hier” contains a link.
=> http://sf-plochingen.schachvereine.de/sfp2
By the way, there are other themes like “Catch Box” or “Catch Responsive” with the same behavior. But “Catch Base” and “Catch Flames” are workin perfekt and do not have this issue.
2. I’m using the plugin “Event List”. This plugin comes with its own css-file. It works perfekt in the sidebar. But in the Content area it seams that this css-file has no effect for the list-style The list-style: none is not used. Instead of this the themes style list-style: square is used.
=> http://sf-plochingen.schachvereine.de/sfp2/kalender/
By the way, in the theme “Catch Flames” the plugin works perfect!
Please help me to fix this issues.
BTW: in all your themes I have tested the link in the footer to your homepage is http://catchthemes.com instead of https://catchthemes.com.