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  • #5480


    There’s a lovely pic of everest on this theme… can I change it though? I’m sure this is very easy to do, but I don’t know where to begin!




    @Lolley: Check out the Theme Instruction .See this from Theme Instruction page
    How to add Featured Post Slider
    Currently this theme only support Posts as the Featured Slider. To add Featured Slider, follow these basic steps:
    1. Click on Appearance -> Theme Options -> Featured Post Slider from your WordPress Dashboard.
    2. Click on Slider Options to select various slider options like enable slider, number of slides, transition effect, transition delay and transition length
    3. Then Click on Featured Post Slider Options and Add in the Post ID’s in Featured Slider Post#1, #2, #3 respectively.
    4. Click on Save button.

    * When you add the Post Id\’s, make sure you have added in the Featured Image in your Post.
    * If you are unable to find the post ID then you can install the Catch IDs Plugin to find the Post IDs

    If you still have problem then this video about our other theme Simple Catch might help you as this theme also uses Featured Post Slider. Similar concept.
    Maybe this video will help you



    I am having the same problem. I have followed all the steps you have provided and I have made an image that is 1140×450 pixels. I add it into the Featured Post Slider Options with the correct ID and it does not same the ID number?

    Thank you


    @Sakin Thanks for your help on this. Still not quite there… I can see that my posts have IDs, 1 thru 10, but if I add a post number to the Featured Slider Post field, then no image shows despite having an image in the post. I’ve tried adding eg. “10” and also “#10”


    Wow! What are the odds… I’m having the exact issue these people are.  I’ve followed your steps to a “T” and I can’t seem to change it either.  Please advise- For my pea little brain.


    If the theme instruction is not clear then watch this video. Click here to watch


    You’re sending me to a one hour video to figure out how to change the image???  Your instructions are very clear.  What you’re saying makes perfect sense, but I’m telling you @Sakin (5646)is correct.  It doesn’t work.




    @Dr.Forcier: I don’t understand. You follow the instruction and it worked or not? As I have clearly stated the step above in the thread. But I though you didn’t get that, So I send you to details instruction which you can skip and view only the part you want.


    @Lolley: Are you able to find the post ID. then you just add in the post ID without any #. For example if you post ID is 10 then just add 10.

    If you cannot find the post ID, then install Catch IDS plugin which will show you the post id


    @Sakin Yes, I can find the post ID (I installed the catch-ids plug in). The result of adding the ID is that I get the text from the post, but not the image.

    Since, I have tried a completely different theme and can make the slider work no problem. Trouble is, I rather like this everest theme!


    @Lolley: If you are successful adding in the Post ID and got the text but now image. This mean that you have not added the Featured Image in your post. Just add featured image in your post and you will see the images. See this for featured image


    okay, thanks. I’ll do that.


    OKOKOK… I figured it out!  Sakin, I’m sure you’re a nice guy but my 40 y/o ADHD brain can’t sit through an hour video and the rest of your steps just turned it to mush.

    So this is what you have to know.

    (1) The image actually has to be in a one of your “Post”. If it isn’t in there, I don’t know any other way it can be entered. Look to the end of each post. It will have individual #’s. That’s the ID number. (Don’t do anything yet) Now you know the ID number.

    (2) Open up the post and click “1” image. Just 1!  It will go grey. Once you do that, go to the right side  of the page and scroll down! That image that’s grey should appear in a box called, “Feature Image.” If it didn’t… Well, somewhere you screwed up.

    (3) Fill out the info under feature image.

    (4) Do you remember where I told you the ID was in step 1??? Well, go back to, “Feature Slider Post”. Stick that number right in that huge blank spot.  Then press save.

    (5) Go back to your site and see if it worked!

    (6) Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to change the information yet but atleast the image is up.


    @Dr.Forcier: So now you are able to change the featured post slider?


    Yes. I can change the post slider. Sure would of been a lot easier if I could just go to my gallery and pick an image that way but this worked.

    I still can’t figure out how to change the verbiage.  I really don’t want it to say what my Post says.  It should be more of a teaser instead of reading the Post.


    @Dr.Forcier: To control the content in the slider. Use the excerpt box module that you will find under your post editor. See this

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