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  • #33975
    Dennis Bruus


    I’m new to building websites with WordPress, but I love your theme because it makes it rather easy.

    The website I will be referring to is

    On every page on the website I have a blue box at the buttom of the page saying “Hjemmesiden er under opbygning. ect.” Somehow I created this a couple of months ago when I started on the website, but now I can’t remove it again. Can you please help me?

    First I thought it under the Homepage Headline options, but that is the blue box in the top. So I can’t figure out how I have created this one at the buttom.

    ~ Dennis

    Dennis Bruus

    I found the solution after looking through everything again, so I don’t need help anyway.

    Have a nice day.


    @Dennis Bruus: Nice you fixed your issued. But you site is showing “503 Service Temporary Unavailable”. I hope you are aware of this. If not then please contact your website hosting server to fix it.

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